
Monday, September 16, 2019

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? #168: Hits and Misses... Well, One Miss

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Kathryn at Book Date and Unleashing Reads.


Program 13 (The Emile Reed Chronicles, #1)

I started this one and I got about 25% into it before I gave up on it. I don't DNF books often at all, but I just wasn't feeling this one. I wasn't crazy about the writing and things just weren't really happening. The premise is intriguing, but I guess it just wasn't for me. Fortunately it was just an Amazon freebie. Lol.

What I finished reading this past week:

Ink (Paper Gods, #1) The Babysitters Coven (The Babysitters Coven, #1)

I really enjoyed Ink! I don't know a lot about Japanese mythology, so this was a nice intro to it. Plus, I loved that it was set in Japan... that was awesome! And The Babysitters Coven I also enjoyed! It was a lot of fun! It was magical and funny and had a great main character! I'm already excited to see more of this world!

Currently reading:

Open Minds (Mindjack Trilogy, #1)

I also started this one, which was another Amazon freebie, but this one I am actually enjoying! It is just such a cool premise and I really like the world!

Up next:


I'm not sure. I'm feeling my mood changing, so IDK what I'll be in the mood for. I'm gonna finish Open Minds and then see what piques my interest afterward.

What are you reading this week?


  1. I read the Mindjack books way back when, I really enjoyed them. I think all of SKQ's books are fabulous. Hope you love it!

    1. I'm glad to hear that! I actually have quite a few of her books I found on Amazon when they were free! She has a lot of interesting sounding books, so I'm happy to hear they're all fantastic!
