
Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Library Lovers Book Tag!

I thought this tag would be perfect to do right about now because I've just been getting a bunch of stuff from the library lately! This tag was created by PiandBooks!

1. How often do you visit your local library?

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Not that often, actually. Maybe once a month? Yet I still get a bunch of stuff from the library... how? Well, my local library has this really cool service where you just request the books online and they have the option of sending them to you in the mail! It is awesome! I only go to the library when I drop off the books. They do have the option of mailing them back, but by the time I'm done with the books, I've thrown away the bag they came in and I've misplaced the shipping label... so it's just easier to take them back. Lol.

2. Are you the type of person who checks out more books than you know you can read or are you someone who only checks out the exact amount of books you intend on reading before they are due?

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Definitely the first. At one point this summer I had over 24 things check out! Granted, I had most of those things read and I just needed to return them. Lol.

3. How old were you when you got your first library card?

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I don't actually remember. I think maybe when I was in middle school?

4. Do you go to your library looking for a particular book or do you check out anything that peaks your interest?

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Well, since it was previously established that I almost never go to my library cause I’m basically a recluse lol, I always go when I know what I want.

5. Do you use your library to check out just books or do you also check out dvds, audiobooks etc.?

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Definitely the latter! I love borrowing movies and shows and stuff like that! Because only the sub version of The Devil is a Part-Timer was on Netflix, I actually checked out the dub at my library and that's how I finished watching the show! (Which is great, btw!)

6. From what section of your library do you check out a majority of your books? ( YA, middle grade, adult, nonfiction.)

Definitely YA! Although I do venture out into the adult territory every once in a while.

7. What is your favorite part of using your local library?

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I don't know... I guess being able to read books and watch shows/movies for free. It's just awesome!

Do you use your public library much? I certainly do. Lol. Let me know what your favorite part about using the library is!

I am not tagging anyone in particular, but feel free to do it yourself if you'd like! I'd love to see your answers! 😁


  1. Wow, I'm so jealous that your library mails you your books! I thought mine was impressive for having a drive-thru pickup window---that's how I get almost all of my library books (besides the audiobooks).

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. That's awesome! Our library also has a drive-thru drop off... bin? Idk what you would call it, but it basically looks like where you put the mail but it's for books. However, we don't have access to those right now because they're remodeling the library and they've relocated the library temporarily. So in reality, I wouldn't have to set foot inside the library, like, at all! 😅
