
Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Review: The Last Scream (Fear Park #3) by R.L. Stine

The Last Scream (Fear Park, #3)
Title: The Last Scream

Series: Fear Park #3

Previous books in this series: The First Scream (#1) | The Loudest Scream (#2)

Author: R.L. Stine

Genre: YA, horror, mystery thriller

Publication date: September 1996

Published by: Archway Paperback

Source: Purchased paperback

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Robin Fear has waited decades for this moment. His evil plan is in place. Dierdre Bradley, her father, and Fear Par will be destroyed.

Nothing can stop Robin now.

Except one person. Who's been watching—finding out Robin's secrets—and waiting for revenge.

My rating: ★★★☆☆

It’s closing time... for Dierdre.

I think I started my review of the last book in this series by saying:

“Robin Fear is still trying to stop Fear Park from opening. And Dierdre’s dad is still an idiot for not closing down the park even though people keep dying!”

This book was literally just more of that. All these “accidents” keep happening and that idiot still wont shut down the park! It’s insane! We get a reason as to why Dierdre’s dad wont close the park down, but still!

And speaking of the “accidents,” Robin keeps doing these little things—little kills here and there to shut down the park, and dude! It’s not working! He keeps doing his stupid little pranks and Robin is being kind of a dick, but it’s kinda funny, but that’s not the point! Just do the thing! Do the killing! It’s not until this book that he realizes that in order to really shut down the park he’s gonna have to kill the Bradleys. No duh, Robin! 🙄 Why didn’t he just do that in the first place?! All this was just so dragged out. I was definitely getting impatient.

Speaking of the Bradleys, I kind of wish that instead of the Bradley’s it would’ve been the Goodes. I feel like it would've been more interesting since they have a long standing feud with the Fears.

In the last two books I actually liked Robin and felt for him, but the more time I spend with him, the less I like him. I also still don’t like Dierdre, but now she’s frightened of Robin and suspects him, yet she still hangs out with him then wonders why she’s doing it if she’s doubting him. Yes, why? Get out of there you idiot! Stop being so dumb! And Meghan, I just felt bad for the girl.

This entire series was mediocre at best. The characters were dumb, the entire story was so dragged out I got impatient, and this book in particular had less kills than the other two. I admit here was one kill that was pretty cool and creative and then an attempted kill with cotton candy that was as insane as it sounds but it was also kinda cool. Lol. And the plot twist at the end there I did not see coming though! It was crazy... BUT...

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! 😊

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