
Friday, October 18, 2019

Review: The Second Horror (99 Fear Street: The House of Evil #2) by R.L. Stine

The Second Horror (99 Fear Street: The House of Evil, #2)
Title: The Second Horror

Series: 99 Fear Street: The House of Evil #2

Previous book in this series: The First Horror

Author: R.L. Stine

Genre: YA, horror, mystery thriller

Publication date: September 1994

Published by: Archway Paperback

Source: Purchased paperback

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There's no place like this home...

At first, Brandt McCloy think moving to Shadyside is great. He has attracted the attention of three beautiful girls—Meg, Jinny and Abbie. But Brandt hasn't heard the terrifying stories about his new home—99 Fear Street. He doesn't know about the headless bodies, the bleeding walls. He doesn't know that Cally Frasier still haunts the house and plans gruesome deaths for him and everyone close to him. Poor Brandt—what he doesn't know will hurt him.

My rating: ★★★☆☆

Cally is very excited to have some new blood move into her house for her to torment. I actually really liked that we got some evil Cally POV as she haunted Brandt and his family. It was pretty cool. But I still don't understand why she’s evil. Why?! But evil Cally is not even that evil, tbh. What she does is more like pranks. She is not very good at this killing thing. Lol.

Speaking of Brandt, I did not like him. He almost reminded me of Bobby from Double Date, just not nearly as bad. But he’s talking about how girls are throwing themselves at him left and right and how he probably will like it in Shadyside after all and just UGH! Shut up!

So we don't really find out anything new about the house in this book, which sucked. But there was a really cool Brandt plot twist at the end that I did not see coming! Overall, it was kind of a meh book. I liked the plot twist at the end and I liked the evil Cally POV, but that’s pretty much it. There was one Cally plot twist I saw coming a mile away, and that’s never fun. It’s still not explained why Cally is suddenly evil, so I hope we finally find out in the next book!

The Fear Street connection: Brandt moves into 99 Fear Street... Ooof.

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! 😊

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