
Thursday, December 12, 2019

2019 Reading Challenges *Update*

It's the end of the year and I wanted to take a look at my progress so far on all the Reading Challenges I decided to take part of. I keep track of all the books I read during the year, which you can check out here!

Anyway, wish me luck 😅

2019 Reading Challenge

2019 Reading Challenge
Liliana has
read 0 books toward
her goal of
75 books.

First up is the Goodreads Reading Challenge, which I actually completed last month! It looks like I surpassed my goal by a lot, but that's because I always include novellas and short stories. If I don't include those that's still 89 books read this year! That's still more than 10 books over my initial goal of 75!

Progress: 89/75 books read!

Challenge completed!

Mount TBR Reading Challenge 2019

The challenge: To read books you have owned prior to January 1, 2019.

Goal: Read 60 books from your TBR pile.

Progress: 49/60 books read.

I feel like out of all the challenges I am taking part of, this is the one were I'm really cutting it close. I only need 11 more books to read, so wish me luck!

Challenge incomplete

 The VIRTUAL Mount TBR Reading Challenge

The Challenge: Read books from your library/virtual tbr list.

Goal: Read 24 books from your Virtual TBR/Wish List/Library.

Progress: 41/24 books read.

I read A LOT of books from my library this year! I also read a lot of book that had been on my tbr list for a while (books I didn't own prior to that start of this year).

Challenge completed!

 Serial Reader Challenge 2019

The Challenge: To finish as many series as you can!

Goal: Finish 7-10 series.

Progress: 11/10 series finished!

I thought I was going to FAIL at this challenge! In the first 8 months of the year I had literally only finished ONE series! But once September rolled around and I saw how bad I was doing at this challenge, I really set out to read those unfinished series.

Challenge completed!


The Challenge: Pick a theme each month and read books that fit that theme.

Goal: Read 2-3 books around your theme per month

Progress: Goal achieved 10/12 months. I actually only read ONE book in April cause I was in a reading slump, soooo I kinda failed there. BUT I still have December to do!

Challenge incomplete

 2019 Book Blog Discussion Challenge

This last one isn't a reading challenge, it's more of a blogging challenge.

The Challenge: To write more discussion posts.

Goal: 11-20 discussion posts.

Progress: 32/20 discussions posted!

This was another challenge I was looking at at the start of the summer and realized I was failing at, so a lot of these posts are from the latter half of the year! And I still have more coming for the rest of this month!

Challenge completed!

And that's it! I have already completed 4/6 challenges, I've technically already failed 1, and I still have 1 left that I can complete before the year is over if I try really, really hard (and probably read short books lol).

Let me know if you're participating in any challenges this year and how you're doing!