
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Finish the Series #4: Losing Steam...

In the past I've done these Random Reads posts where I would randomly choose a series to finish, but that hasn't worked out that well for me, me being a mood reader and all. So I decided that I would just pick a couple of series I'm in the mood for every so often and then post about it to really cement in that commitment 😅

Last month I only picked 3 series to finish because I just didn't know what mood I was gonna be in, and here is how things went:

At least I finished one, right? 😅 I ended up really enjoying the Paper Gods series—I loved the setting and mythology! I did re-read The Christopher Killer, but I haven't touched the other three books in the series... I don't think I'm in the mood for that particular series anymore. But I did technically finish another series that wasn't on my list:

The Stepsister (Fear Street, #9) The Stepsister 2 (Fear Street, #33)

While I didn't finish the entire Fear Street series (yet), I did finally finish this duology within the series, which means I finished two series in this last month. Not as good as last month, but I will take two finished series over nothing. Lol.

I'm still in that really weird mood where I don't really know what I'm in the mood for, so my picks for next month are...

The Nightmare Affair (The Arkwell Academy, #1) Kill the Queen (Crown of Shards, #1) The Ghost and the Goth (The Ghost and the Goth, #1) Wires and Nerve (Wires and Nerve, #1) The Baby-Sitter (The Baby-Sitter, #1; Point Horror, #5)

I feel like at this point I'm recycling choices I've picked in the past. But hey, maybe I'll get through them this time 🤷‍♀️

So those are the series I am hoping to get to in the next month or so! Wish me luck! 😅 Lol.

Let me know if you've read any of these series or if there is a series you are working on finishing right now 😊


  1. Ha! This is me with series all the time. The best of intentions...

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Yeah it's hard, especially when you're a mood reader 😅 lol
