
Friday, December 20, 2019

Year of the Book Purge (AKA I Got Rid Of A Bunch Of Books On My TBR And It Feels Good!)

At the beginning of the year I started culling my tbr shelf on Goodreads with a fun feature called Down the TBR Hole, wherein each week you pick 5-10 books on your shelf and then decide whether you want to keep them or not. It was a really handy feature because it forced me to sit down, go through my tbr list, and really think about the books I want to read the most, and just get rid of the ones I knew I was never going to get to. Today I want to share the results of my culling with you... it's kind of insane.

First, I should mention that I started this process in January and finished at the beginning of the summer, but I had my Down the TBR Hole posts scheduled all the way up to last week. So, below, I took my first screenshot before I started getting rid of books, the second one after I was done, and the third one I took maybe a week ago.

So thanks to the Down the TBR Hole feature, I got rid of 221 books on my tbr shelf... that's more than half of the books I had on that shelf! 😲

In the third screenshot you will see that the number went up to 307 from the 190 I went down to, but that's because after I was done with the Down the TBR Hole thing, I went back to my shelves and got rid of my must-read shelf (and I got rid of my to-pick-up-later shelf at some point too). For these two shelves I deleted, I basically went through the same process as my tbr shelf. For my must-read shelf I deleted the ones I knew I wasn't going to ever get to, and then the ones I decided I did want to read I moved to my main tbr shelf. And for my to-pick-up-later shelf, I moved the ones I wasn't actually going to pick up again to my dnf shelf, and the ones I did want to pick up again back to my main tbr shelf.

So, if we look at the number under my "All" shelf, I went from 1859 books down to 1543 which means I got rid of a total of 316 books I was never going to get around to reading.

Supernatural-gif-mouth-open.gif (350×259)

That's... that's a lot of books 😅 I still have a ton of books on my tbr shelf (833 books combined from my want to read shelf and own-to-read shelf), but it's more manageable than before AND I know that all the books on there are books I really, truly want to read at some point.

Let me know if you've ever done anything like this before and how it went for you. And if you haven't, I highly recommend you do because it is so satisfying!


  1. Woo hoo! Culling over 300 books is a great accomplishment! :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  2. Wow, that's an impressive book purge! I definitely need to do something similar :)

    1. Thank you! You definitely should... it's very satisfying. Lol.

  3. WOW this is VERY impressive! I did one awhile back, and it is SO nice to get rid of all the stuff you are likely never going to read. I try to go through every few months just to keep it under control (though is it ever REALLY under control? Mine isn't haha, but yours just may be!!)

  4. Thank you! 😅 Right? It feels amazing! I appreciate that! I don't really know how long It'll be under control for... I've already started adding more books to my tbr list 😬😂
