
Saturday, February 22, 2020

The Calendar Book Tag!

I saw this fun tag over at Angel's Guilty Pleasures!

January: New Years
Name a new release coming out this year that you are greatly anticipating.

Chain of Gold (The Last Hours, #1)

If you didn't see this one coming, then you just don't know me 😂 I love anything Shadowhunters so you bet I'm ecstatic for this one!

February: Leap Year
Name a book or series that you would like to skip and refuse to read.

Evermore (The Immortals, #1)

I read this book a while back and I remember hating it! I don't actually remember why, but I remember not enjoying it at all, which is saying something because I don't give out very many 1-star reviews 😬

March: St. Patrick’s Day
Favorite book set in the countryside or a rural area.

Tales from the Gas Station: Volume One

Jack works at a gas station at the edge of town that's in the middle of nowhere and things happen... weird, creepy things and I totally love it! Like, the situations Jack finds himself in are hilarious, but kinda spooky... I just really love the horror comedy of this book! It's SO good!

April: April Fool’s
Name a book that had a story that tricked you into thinking it was going in one direction but ended up going in a completely different one.

Lock Every Door

That happened in this book exactly, but in the best way possible! I was not expecting the plot twist and I totally loved it! Riley Sager is just really good at writing these mystery/thrillers!

May: Mother’s Day
Name a book that is always there for you, that you love and that lightens the mood when you’re feeling down.

 Fear Street

I don't have one particular book that's may go-to, but when I don't know what to read, I typically gravitate toward a Fear Street book. They are just so nostalgic and comforting to me!

June: Summer Solstice
Name a book that felt like it took forever to read.

The Diviners (The Diviners, #1)

This book draaaaged. It felt like I read it for year! I, of course, didn't, it was just long AF and I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would. The world was intriguing enough that I do want to read the sequels though.

July: Independence Day
Name a strong and independent character that inspired you.

Spider's Bite (Elemental Assassin, #1)

I love Gin Blanco! She is definitely my most favorite heroine of all time! When I grow up I want to be just like Gin.... errr, not the being an assassin part 😅 Just everything else. Lol.

August: No Holidays
If you could create a holiday that in some way concerned books, what would it be?

supernatural books gif - Google Search

Man, I don't even know. Stay Home From Work/School and Read as Many Books as You Can Day? 😂

September: 9/11 Remembrance Day
What is a book that had a huge impact on you, one that you will always remember?

Twilight (Twilight, #1)

I will never forget this book... it's the one that sparked my love for reading! I actually haven't read this series since I was super obsessed with it years ago, but I kinda want to revisit it!

October: Halloween
What is your favorite mystery or horror book?

Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna, #1)

I adore this book! It was creepy but also beautiful and I just really loved the characters.

November: Thanksgiving
What series are you most thankful exists?

Clockwork Angel (The Infernal Devices, #1)City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments, #1)Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices, #1)

I'm gonna cheat a little here by saying The Shadowhunter Chronicles. I just love this world and these characters and, aside from Twilight, City of Bones is the other book that really got me into reading.

December: Christmas
If you could recommend your viewers a book as a gift, what would you recommend?

Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1)

I would probably recommend Cinder because everyone loves fairy tales. Plus this one has a little bit of everything: romance, humor, sci-fi, fantasy, and even some thrills! Plus the characters are just lovable!

I'd love to know which books had the greatest impact on you or what books you are most thankful exist!

I am not tagging anyone in particular, but feel free to do it yourself if you'd like! I'd love to see your answers! 😁


  1. I've definitely had books before where I can't remember specifics but I just remember not liking them. Sometimes it's just an overall impression that sticks. And I agree with Cinder as a recommendation!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Exactly! Or maybe sometimes the book is so bad your brain is just like, NOPE 😂
