
Sunday, April 12, 2020

Sunday Post #241: ALL the Entangled Teen Freebies!

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week!

What I've been doing:

So the lockdown in our state got extended to May 4th... things don't seem to be turning around just yet and it is doing nothing for my anxiety. We also found out last week that school are going to remain closed, which means no more school for the kiddos for the rest of the year. Yikes. My younger brothers picked up a school laptop and they're gonna be starting online classes, so at least there's that. And because of all of this, my vacation to Mexico City was cancelled 😭 I'm really sad cause I was excited to go, but I am also really glad because traveling right now? No thank you!

Last week I mentioned I had a sinus infection and had headaches from hell, I took my round of antibiotics and I feel SO much better! I feel like because I haven't been sleeping well and my overall emotional state... it's all just had a physical affect on me and it's not fun. I hope things will turn around for me (and for the world!) soon!

I'm also still working on my Japanese lessons. I'm doing Drops and Duolingo and I started back on Rosetta Stone as well. I don't use the latter very much because I can only access it on my computer (to my knowledge) and also the speaking portion is sometimes very, VERY frustrating. I don't know if it's the mic on my computer or what, but sometimes it just doesn't pick up what I'm saying even though I'm saying it right and I have to repeat myself MULTIPLE times in a row... it's very annoying. Lol.

And I finally dyed my hair blue! I don't have a picture yet... yesterday I tried to get one out in the sunshine, but my hair just looked black. I'm not good with taking pictures, much less lighting. Lol. One of these days I'll get a good picture and share it. Here is a little glimpse of it:

I also did more baking yesterday. This week I made chocolate chip cookies! They turned out pretty good!

What I've been watching:

This week I continued to watch both The Disastrous Life of Saiki K (love!) and Ghost Hunt (it's okay). I also finally watched the movie Knives Out and it was GOOD! I loved it!

knives out

It was a little weird because Chris Evans is in it, whom I love, but he was such an asshole in this one! It was so weird because I'm just so used to him as sweet Steve Rogers. But he was great in it! It was a good movie! Highly recommend!

What I've been listening to:

Still listening to that new All Time Low album... it's just so good! Lol.

All Time Low – 'Wake Up, Sunshine'

Nail art of the week:

Neon gradient... again. But this time I did double stamping! Cause stamping once wasn't good enough this time! 😅


Ongoing Giveaway:

Enter to win a copy of Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare!

Book Haul


Conjure (Hoodoo Apprentice Book 1) by [Lea Nolan] Atlantis Rising by [Gloria Craw] True Born by [L.E. Sterling] Touch (A Denazen Novel Book 1) by [Jus Accardo]
The Collector (Dante Walker series Book 1) by [Victoria Scott] Mirror X (The Van Winkle Project Book 1) by [Karri Thompson] Nexis (A Tricksters Novel Book 1) by [A.L. Davroe]
Road to Eugenica (Eugenica Chronicles Book 1) by [A.M. Rose] Salt by [Danielle Ellison] Infinity (An Infinity Division Novel Book 1) by [Jus Accardo] Proof of Lies (Anastasia Phoenix Book 1) by [Diana Rodriguez Wallach]
Project Pandora (Assassin Fall Book 1) by [Aden Polydoros] Psi Another Day (Psi Fighter Academy) by [D.R. Rosensteel]

ALL the Entangled Teen! They currently had a huge sale and a bunch of freebies and I just grabbed as many as I could! Lol. But I just checked and they aren't free anymore 😩

How was your guy's week? Get any bookish things? Let me know in the comments below or leave me a link to your post!


  1. Like you, I think the lack of sleep and anxiety has taken a toll physically on me as well.
    And I love the blue hair! I'm considering cutting mine and doing a pink streak or two for fun.

    1. Yes! I feel like I've been sick with one thing or another since all of this started, but it has to be a physical reaction to everything. I'm starting to feel better, and I hope you are too! And yes! Now is the time to do something fun with your hair! Definitely do some pink!

  2. I can definitely see the blue in the pic---I know it's really hard to get a great picture that shows the color, though. Love the nails too!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  3. I'm so sorry about the extension, mine was also extended until the 28th April but we heard rumors that it will be further extended till May. School is also still our for us and only essential services are allowed to operate, so business has been really slow these days. No, I don't think travelling even after the lockdown is lifted is safe, I would probably give it a couple months :( I actually cancelled my trip to Paris for the Shadowhunters Convention in May too because of this virus, it sucks but needed to be done *sigh*

    Oh no! I hope you are feeling much better now! And good luck on your Japanese lessons! Hope to be able to see a full photo of your blue hair soon and that cookie looked so tempting! I'm tempted to make a tiramisu cake on my next grocery store run, haha! (that'll be in a week from now)

    ATL HAS A NEW ALBUM AND I AM LOVING IT SO FAR! I can't believe I missed this news!!

    Much loves and stay safe Lili!

    1. Yeah, I don't think I'm gonna be traveling for the rest of the year. We were going to Mexico City for my cousins wedding, but she moved everything to next year, so I hope things will be safe by then.

      And OMG a Shadowhunters convention sounds amazing! I'm gonna be honest, I haven't yet finished watching the show 😅 I only watched two season because I hadn't yet finished reading TMI and I wanted to avoid spoilers, but now that I finished reading the series, I'm gonna have to go back and finish the show because I remember really enjoying it even though it was a little different than the books!

      I'm so glad to hear that you're enjoying it!! I'm glad I told you about it! It's a great album overall, but my two favorite songs are Monsters and Pretty Venom. I was very surprised I loved Pretty Venom as much as I do just because it's very different to other ATL songs.

      Thanks girl. I hope you stay safe too! And I'm very happy to see you back around the blogosphere! 😊

    2. I'm sorry your cousin had to move her wedding, that's a huge bummer :( but hey! At least you have something to look forward to haha!

      Haha! I've actually been to one last year in Brussels and this year they are holding another one in Paris and next year in Singapore. It is very different from the books but I am okay with that because I always view them as separate stories. Besides, MALEC in the TV Show stole the show, I went crazy for them! If you do pick it up again, let me know! I can't wait to gush about it with you haha!

      We do have the same tastes!!! I just finished listening to the entire album this morning and those two are my favorites too! Monsters because there's Blackbear (another of my favorite artist) and I agree that Pretty Venom sounded pretty different, but I am addicted!

      Now I'm actually looking forward to Quarantine life, hahah!

      It is so good to be back and to interact with my blogger friends, you will definitely see me around your blog more often now 😅

    3. Malec in the TV show was definitely one of my favorite things! I adore Clace to pieces (more so in the books, I think), but in the show Malec is just 😍 I will totally let you know when I start watching it again!

      Omg! Lol. They are SO good! I had no idea who Blackbear was, but I totally love what he did in Monsters! Pretty Venom is just so sad and lovely... idk what it is about it but I love it! It's not a song I would typically go for, but there you go. Lol.

    4. I am trying hard not to spoil you, haha! Please do! And show Malec is the best, I had the chance to meet Matthew Daddario in the convention, and now all I need is Harry Shum Jr and my life is complete. 😍 I'll do a blog post about my convention experiences maybe 😂

      I have been playing those two songs on constant repeat today, IT NEVER GETS OLD.

    5. Stop! You met him?! That is so awesome!! I think one of my favorite things about those two actors is that they are the biggest Malec shippers and I just think that's super cute. I can't wait to read about your convention! It sounds awesome!

  4. I LOVE Chris Evans (or, I love Captain America, whatever) but haven't watched Knives Out yet. I wonder if I'd appreciate him as much in an asshole role?

    Our lockdown has just been extended for 3 more weeks which will take us into the beginning of May too... I think this year is a write off. Before we know it, it'll be Christmastime again and we'll be wondering what the hell we've done with ourselves, lol.

    1. I think you will! He is a fantastic actor and the movie was just really good!

      Right? I actually can't wait for that time of year. I'm hoping that by then things will have calmed down.
