
Saturday, May 16, 2020

Finish the Series #8: Actual Progress!

In the past I've done these Random Reads posts where I would randomly choose a series to finish, but that hasn't worked out that well for me, me being a mood reader and all. So I decided that I would just pick a couple of series I'm in the mood for every so often and then post about it to really cement in that commitment 😅

This month I actually did finish some series! Yay! I mean, they were both duologies, but still! Lol.

Goodnight Kiss (Goodnight Kiss, #1: Fear Street Super Chiller, #3)Goodnight Kiss 2 (Goodnight Kiss, #2: Fear Street Super Chiller, #10)Wires and Nerve (Wires and Nerve, #1)Gone Rogue (Wires and Nerve, #2)

I finished the Goodnight Kiss series which is summer-y and has vampires. Loved the first book, but the second one was meh. And I also finally finished Wires and Nerve! Not gonna lie, I prefer the long novel format to the graphic novel format, especially when it comes to characters I was used to being inside the head of. It's just not the same with graphic novels 🤷‍♀️ But it was still a good series! I love this world!

I'm still in that mood for summer-y reads with vampires, and luckily I have another R.L. Stine series with that exact premise! Lol.

Dangerous Girls (Dangerous Girls, #1)

This one is also a duology so I should be able to knock it out pretty easy within the next month.

Let me know if you've read any of these series or if there is a series you are working on finishing right now 😊


  1. I didn't know RL Stine had vampire books! I love vampires so I may have to check them out sometime :)

    1. Yes! Goodnight Kiss, the first book at least, was really good! And back in the day when I read Dangerous Girls, I really loved it, too. Idk how i'm gonna feel about it now that I'm older though. Lol.

  2. I'm looking forward to reading Wires & Nerve. I definitely agree that graphic novels aren't the same as the depth you get in a regular novel, though.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Right? Especially with characters you already know and are used to having that deep connection with. But it was great regardless!
