
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Spectacular Book Tag!

I saw this fun tag over at Angel's Guilty Pleasures.

1. What are your favorite book covers?

Sharpest Sting (Elemental Assassin, #18)City of Lost Souls (The Mortal Instruments, #5)Alpha (Shifters, #6)

I love all the Elemental Assassin covers, but this one in particular is stunning! Gin looks both beautiful and badass. Lol. And this cover of City of Lost Souls is  also gorgeous! The model for Jace is 😍 He and Clary look beautiful together! The Shifters series is another series that has awesome covers, but I particularly love this one because Faythe not only looks sexy, but fierce too! Also, it's purple and my favorite color is purple. Lol.

2. What are your favorite book titles?

Touch of Frost (Mythos Academy, #1)Spider's Bite (Elemental Assassin, #1)My Soul to Take (Soul Screamers, #1)

In all of these series, I love that the titles match throughout... Mythos Academy always has Frost in the title (which is Gwen's last name) and the title always correlates to whatever is happening in that book. The Elemental Assassin book titles are always spider-themed and I love that! And the Soul Screamers book titles are always soul-themed. I just love when the books in the entire series just go together and make sense, you know?

3. Have you read a book and didn’t know why they named it that and what was the title?

Bleach, Volume 01

Oh this series... I watched the anime, read the manga and I still don't know why it's called Bleach! I even googled it and all I came across were theories, which, some of them make sense, but it's nothing concrete! It's so weird! Lol.

4. Have you read a book with a character that made you mad?

City of Fallen Angels (The Mortal Instruments, #4)

I adore Jace, but this idiot needed to make better use of his communication skills in this book. Maybe what happened wouldn't have happened if he would just have communicated with people!! Ugh! I still love him though 😉

5. Is there someone or something from a book you would never want to come across?

Bleach, Volume 63

Omg, this guy pictured here... 😨 He is the Quincy of fear, so you can imagine what sorts of nightmares this guy can access from your mind. Oh, but not only that. Him on the cover? Yeah, that's not his final form. His final form is horrifying and the way he achieves it is even worse! 😫

6. If you could meet a character in person from a book who would it be?

The Bane Chronicles

Magnus freaking Bane! He is the best! ✨

7. What book are you currently reading?

Gone Rogue (Wires and Nerve, #2)

At the time of writing this post, I'm right in the middle of volume 2 of Wires and Nerve! I love this world so I'm glad this series exists! 🥰

8. Have you read a book that made you cry?

Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices, #3)

Any and all Cassandra Clare books. But the one that really messed me up was the epilogue of this one. Ooof.

9. What is the weirdest book you have read?

Practical Applications for Multiverse Theory

This book was incredibly weird in the best way possible! All I'm gonna say is: Death By Horny Cowboy Sloths 😏

10. What is the worst book/series you ever read?

Enchantment (Channie, #1)

Just thinking about this book make me... ugh! I hated the characters in this book. 10/10 do not recommend.

11. If you could only read one more book the entire year what would it be?

Paola Santiago and the River of Tears (Paola Santiago #1)

First of all, how dare you! 😱 Second of all, I'd probably go with this one because La Llorona, you guys! I cannot wait to read this book! I am ridiculously excited for this book to come out!

I am not tagging anyone in particular, but feel free to do it yourself if you'd like! I'd love to see your answers! 😁


  1. First of all, the name Bleach is just hilarious if there's no context. Such a crazy name! And I am right there with you on Paolo Santiago. Definitely want to read that one!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Right? It makes no sense! 😂 I can't wait for Paola Santiago!
