
Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Monthly Wrap-Up: August 2020

It's been a tough month. In July we found out my grandmother had cancer and a couple of weeks ago we went to go see her down in California. She's not doing great but she has her good days. It was really good to see her and the rest of my family down there. We don't get to see them very often just because we're all the way up in Washington. Plus, it was nice to just be around people. I haven't seen my extended family that lives here near me in MONTHS. Me being super antisocial, I thought I was okay with being in lockdown, that I was made for this. But man, this past month it made me realize that I'm not. I miss interacting with people and going to the store without fear hanging over my head that I might catch something. Speaking of that, traveling down to California, I was terrified. It is definitely not an ideal time to be traveling right now, and if it wasn't a family emergency, I wouldn't have even gone. It's about a 16 hour drive and even though we made as few stops as possible and were safe and wore masks and used sanitizer and did everything we were supposed to, it did not lessen my fear of traveling. All of my family down there is being extra safe what with my grandmother being on chemo and being immunocompromised, so that gave me peace of mind. And luckily we made it down there and back without issue.

Besides that though... I'm still addicted to Animal Crossing lol, AND I just changed up the design on my blog! Idk, I felt like I wanted a change so one morning I just woke up and tweaked things a bit. I like it!

Books read this month:

The Dare (Fear Street, #21)Home Before Dark

Just two books this month. Both mystery/thrillers, one YA and one adult. I actually read these in the same week when I was down in California. I surprisingly got the urge to read down there, so that's good. This has been the worst reading slump I have ever had, and I don't think I'm completely in the clear yet.

Favorite book of the month:

Home Before Dark

This book was GOOD! Another great mystery/thriller from Riley Sager! I can't wait to read more books from him! He's definitely become one of my favorite authors!

Least favorite book of the month:

The Dare (Fear Street, #21)

Fear Street books are always a hit or miss for me, and this one? Not that great. The main character was dumb and the plot twist was obvious. All that being said, I always enjoy Fear Street books even if they're not good just because I like the vibe. Lol.

Posted this month

July 2020

Just the one post this month 🤷‍♀️ lol

Let me know what your favorite read this month was and what you are looking forward to reading next month!


  1. I know what you mean about that worry in the back of your mind. I went into the office for half a day this week and I could feel the anxiety. Check out my monthly wrap-up

    1. Yes exactly! Even if I'm in the store for 5 minutes... I just can't help it!

  2. I'm so sorry about your grandmother! I know what you mean about the scariness of traveling--we haven't traveled to see my parents since long before this all started and won't because of the risks to our health and theirs. The Riley Sager book has a glow-in-the-dark cover, yes? I'm glad you loved it--it frightens me, but still not reading it makes me feel like I'm missing out on a great book. I'll be praying for your family.

    1. Yes! Home Before Dark glows in the dark! I borrowed the ebook from the library, so I wasn't able to experience this first hand, but I have seen it around and it looks really cool!

      Thank you Danielle!
