
Sunday, December 13, 2020

2020 Reading Challenges *Update*

It's the end of the year so I thought I'd take a look at my progress so far on the Reading Challenges I decided to take part in. I keep track of all the books I read during the year, which you can check out here! This was a tough year, and my reading was just... no good. I don't think I'm doing all that great in these challenges, but I guess it's a good thing I participated in only a handful of them 😅

2020 Reading Challenge

2020 Reading Challenge
Liliana has
read 0 books toward
her goal of
100 books.

First up is the Goodreads Reading Challenge. Last year I had a really good reading year, so for this year I had the crazy idea of setting my goal to 100 books, which I have never done before. I actually started to year off pretty good, but come March my reading just plummeted. I revised my goal to 75, which is what last year's goal was. But nope! I had to revise it a second time, to 55 because the 2020 reading slump is real and does not want to leave 😩

Progress: 53/55 books read!

Challenge incomplete

BUT I can still finish it! I think I can read 2 more books this month 😅

Mount TBR Reading Challenge 2020

The challenge: To read books you have owned prior to January 1, 2019.

Goal: Read 60 books from your TBR pile.

Progress: 37/60 books read.

Challenge incomplete

Yeahhhh, not gonna finish this one 😬 I'd be happy if I made it to 40 at this point 😅

Finish the Series

The Challenge: To finish as many series as you can

Goal: Finish 9+ Series (Specifically, I'm gonna go for 15!)

Progress: 8/9+ series finished

Challenge incomplete

I am currently reading the last book in a series, so technically I will complete this challenge. But will I achieve my personal goal of finishing 15 series? Probably not 😅

2020 Discussion Challenge

This last one isn't a reading challenge, it's more of a blogging challenge.

The Challenge: To write more discussion posts.

Goal: 31-40 discussion posts.

Progress: 27/31 discussions posted

Challenge incomplete

This is another challenge I will probably complete before the year is over, what with all of those end of the year posts I want to do. They're my favorite!

And that's it! I have completed 0/4 challenges 🙈 BUT I will probably finish 3 of them before the year is over! Let me know if you're participating in any challenges this year and how you're doing! Better than me, I bet 😂


  1. Meh, I'm probably not going to complete most of my challenges this year but I'm no longer bothered. Covid bitch slapped us all this year and threw everything off... But it looks like you'll probably finish the year quite strong!

    1. Right? Yeah, I'm not too worried about it either. I've accepted that this has just been a trash fire of a year, so things aren't gonna go according to plan 🤷‍♀️

  2. You already know I'm right there with you when it comes to a 2020 reading slump. I did pick WAY up at the end of the year, but it was pretty bleak before that!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Yeah, I just saw your graphs and you did great this last bit of the year!
