
Saturday, March 6, 2021

Finish the Series #13: I Finally Finished QoAaD!

I did it! It took me two months, but I finally did it!

I finally finished QoAaD, meaning that I am done with The Dark Artifices! It was a great series! But that's no surprise to anyone cause I love the Shadowhunters. Lol. But this book was loooong. I think it's the biggest book I own (880 pages long!) It took me a bit to get into, but I knew I would end up loving it. Lol.

Lately I've been in the mood for ALL the Jennifer Estep books, and the Bigtime series is the only one I'm not caught up with, so I think I am going to aim to finish this series next. So far I have read 2 books in the series, so I have 3 books left and a novella. They are pretty easy reads, so it shouldn't be too hard getting through them in the next month or so. My mood is the thing I have to worry about though 😒 Lol.

Series finished so far in 2021: 2

Let me know if you've read any of these series or if there is a series you are working on finishing right now 😊


  1. I have The Dark Artifaces on my book shelf but the size of them is off-putting... I'll get to them eventually. :)

    1. Oh yes! the size of QOAAD is what put me off for such a long time! I really enjoyed the series though!

  2. Congrats on finishing the series! I’m bad at finishing series. I usually put them off for so long that I lose interest in them.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I get that. I have some on my tbr that have been there for so long I don't even know if I actually want to finish them now 🤷‍♀️
