
Saturday, April 3, 2021

Top Authors I Own the Most Books From (as of 2021)!

I love doing this type of post! I don't do it very often though. I first did it in 2015 then again in 2018, so it's more of an every-3-years type of thing apparently. Lol. I included books AND novellas, just because I find it easier if I do it like that.

For comparison purposes, here are the authors that made it onto my list 3 years ago:

5. Jennifer Estep (15 books)
4. Cassandra Clare (16 books)
3. Janette Rallison (16 books) + C.J. Hill (6 books) = 22 total books
2. Rick Riordan (32 books)
1. R.L. Stine (125 books)

5th Place:

So first up with 13 books each we have Marissa Meyer and Rachel Vincent! Rachel Vincent always sneaks into these lists, which I find amusing because I have not read one of her books in YEARS! And I hate that! I love her work! I need to get caught up!

4th Place:

Up next with 22 books is Janette Rallison! More specifically, I have 6 C.J. Hill books (a pen name), and 16 Janette Rallison books. So even if I don't include her C.J. Hill books, Janette still secures the 4th spot on my list. Lol.

3rd Place:

And then we have 25 books from Cassandra Clare! I own ALL of her books... and then some 😅 I have some special editions, so yeah, I have some double in there... I regret nothing 😉

2nd Place:

Second place with 37 books each we have Jennifer Estep and Rick Riordan! 🖤 I actually don't have that many physical copies of Jennifer's books, but I do have a ton of ebooks!

1st Place:

And in first place with 122 books 😱 is of course R.L. Stine. I own pretty much every Fear Street book, plus a couple of the Point Horror, so yeah, they add up 😅

And here are how things changed from 3 years ago:

Marissa Meyer: New on the list!
Rachel Vincent: New on the list!
Jennifer Estep: I own 22 more books since 2018! 😅
Cassandra Clare: I own 9 more books since 2018!
Janette Rallison/C.J. Hill: No change! Lol.
Rick Riordan: I own 5 more books since 2018!
R.L. Stine: I own 3 LESS books since 2018... Oh, that one is weird. Lol. I have gotten rid of a few of them over the years though.

So yeah, that it for me. Do you know which author you own the most books from? If so, let me know! If not, take a guess! Who do you think it is?


  1. Wow, that’s a lot of RL Stine books. I didn’t know he’d written so many. I know Stephen King is my most-owned author. I probably have around 40 of his books.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Oh yeah, and this isn't even including his MG stuff, which I don't own any of. Lol.

  2. Damnn you have a great collection!😍 I think my most owned author right now is Cassandra Clare and the collection keeps on growing!

    1. Thanks! I actually was going to include pictures of my collections... but it's too much work. Especially with all the Stine books I have. Lol.

  3. How fun to occasionally look back at these types of things and see how they've changed. You own lots of books! :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
