
Thursday, May 27, 2021

Review: Mr. Conjure (Scary Mary #6) by S.A. Hunter

Title: Mr. Conjure

Series: Scary Mary #6

Previous books in this series: Scary Mary (#1) | Stalking Shadows (#2) | Broken Spirit (#3) | Strange Girl (#4) | Scamming Death (#5)

Author: S.A. Hunter

Genre: YA, paranormal

Publication date: September 2017

Published by: S.A. Hunter

Source: Purchased ebook

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Synopsis: Jenny is a little stupid, at least that’s what Mary thinks. Why else would the teen go to an abandoned house by herself and play a game to summon a monster called Mr. Conjure? Mary doesn’t believe he exists, but Jenny insists that he’s out to get her. She’s so afraid of him that she attempts suicide.

Rachel wants to help Jenny and needs Mary to do it. Mary thinks Jenny needs a shrink, not her. She’s sure Mr. Conjure isn’t real. But something is lurking in the dark, and if it can’t get Jenny, it’ll take Mary instead.

My rating: ★★★★☆

“This is going to be weird,” Rachel declared.
“That’s our normal,” Mary told her.

This one was fun! I don't know if you guys have read any of the Creepypastas where the story is basically instructions to play a spooky game where maybe you’re granted a wish or get a question answered or whatever, and spooky things happen along the way. BUT if you don't play the game right or don’t win, you get dead. Anyway, the premise of this book was basically that, and I really enjoyed it! The way this spook was described, he almost sounded like the Babadook (which is a good movie! Highly recommend!) But yeah, this story coupled with our snarky heroine... I loved it! We haven’t had much snark from Mary since book one, so I’ve really missed this. Glad to see the snark return! Lol.

You know what I wasn’t glad to see return? Oh I bet you can guess. The romance 😒 There was this super extended scene with Kyle and Mary on a date, bowling. Like, it was so unnecessarily loooong. And they were acting like it was their first time bowling which I'm pretty sure it wasn't? I’m usually all about the fluff, but this just didn’t do it for me.

And then in the last book, Cy and Kyle got into this weird sort of fight over Mary which was very confusing for me because Cy seemed very content with Vicky, which blech. But now, in this book, Mary is saying that if Cy came around wanting her back she would slam the door in his face? Why??? This is so upsetting 😩 I obviously still prefer Cy over Kyle, but I do like that Kyle accepts Mary for who she is and he is very supportive. So there’s that. I’m still not into it though. I think I just never got over how awful he was to Mary in the first book and just his asshole-ness in general from back then.

Another positive though: Harvey! He is a ghost we met in the last book and at one point Gran leaves him in charge and Mary basically has him as a babysitter and it’s just so funny!

“A dead babysitter. It’s different.”
“You mean Harvey, and not some Weekend at Bernie’s scenario, right?” Taryn asked.


And Harvey romancing Gran was SO cute! It’s a shame he’s, you know, dead. Lol.

But overall, I really enjoyed this book. I liked the story and I love the characters. Plus, Mary acquired a new ability, which was really cool! I’m excited to see more of that!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! 😊

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