
Sunday, July 25, 2021

Sunday Post #270: Still Catching Up

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week!

What I've been doing:

So at work we just finished up summer school, which the kid I take care of loved! I was surprised because by then end of the regular school year she was just done. Lol. Anyway, with that being done, I'm going to be switching to working nights for about a month until regular school starts back up again. I did night shift for the first time last summer and it was tough... but I also enjoyed it because things are just so much more clam during the night. We'll see how things go 😅 I'm starting off with working only 3 nights a week, so it shouldn't be too bad.

House is still in disarray... we might be putting the flooring in soon-ish here? I don't even know anymore. Lol.

Japanese learning:

So I have really been slacking in my Japanese studies in the last couple months. In fact, WaniKani, the site I use to learn kanji, told be that the last time I did any reviews was two months ago 🙈 I am so ashamed. I was even more ashamed to look at the amount of reviews I had piled up...

Over 800! Omg. Last year, I was so on top of this that I never had more than 50 reviews to do. And I think that was my down fall. You see, you get new lessons, you do those lessons, and then they get added to your reviews to, well, review. The number of lessons don't go up until you finish all the current lessons assigned. But last year I just wasn't getting my reviews fast enough so I kept doing lessons and they kept being added to my reviews and then last summer happened, which was a terrible summer for me, and I just got super behind. But last Sunday I finally sat down and decided to get back on board because I've really missed it. And I've made really good progress so far! I've been doing my reviews everyday (almost everyday... I skipped yesterday cause I was out all day lol) and I've gotten my reviews down to 400! I am currently on level 7 out of 60, so I still have a looong way to go. But I have 'Burned' 250 kanji so far! That basically means I know 250 kanji, and according to WaniKani: "This item is “fluent” in your brain. The answer comes with little-to-no effort. You will remember this item for a long, long time. Even if you don’t use it and “forget” it sometime in the future, it should come back to you quickly after recalling it. Items that are “burned” no longer show up in reviews."

On Rosetta Stone, I'm also on unit 7 and I started doing lessons on here too. I went back through the previous units before I restarted on 7 just to review some things, but now I'm nearly done with unit 7. I have like 1.5 lessons left before I move on.

The one app I have been using more often, in fact I'm on day 79 of my streak, is Duolingo! I was stuck on Activity 2 for the longest time because it seemed so difficult to me, but honestly, I just finished level 1 on the lesson, and it seemed pretty easy now! Definitely making progress, even though it didn't feel like it. Lol. So yeah, I am almost to Checkpoint 2 out of 6 on this.

I've been really loving getting back into my Japanese studies again. I look forward to it everyday after work. It's a difficult language to learn, but I'm enjoying the challenge.

What I've been watching:

I watched a bunch of movies and they were all so good!! Also re-watched Black Widow, which you already know I loved. Lol.

What I've been playing:

The only thing I'm still playing is Ring Fit Adventure. Not only is it fun, but it's a really good work out! I am enjoying it! I've been doing it for about a month now, and I actually just level up to level 100! (I'm actually quite past this at this point lol).

I've also apparently done 1000 squat reps... I hate squats. Lol. But I got confetti! Lol.


Reviews posted this week:

Other posts:

#269: Catching Up

#232: I Think I'm Done Witch Sci-Fi (For Now)

#16: Sci-Fi and Vampires

Book Haul

Nothing this week!

How was your guy's week? Get any bookish things? Let me know in the comments below or leave me a link to your post!

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