
Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Review: What Really Happened in Peru (The Bane Chronicles #1) by Cassandra Clare & Sarah Rees Brennan

Title: What Really Happened in Peru

Series/Collection: The Bane Chronicles (#1)

Authors: Cassandra Clare & Sarah Rees Brennan

Genre: YA, urban fantasy

Publication date: April 2013

Published by: Margaret K. McElderry Books

Source: Purchased hardcover

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Synopsis: There are good reasons Peru is off-limits to Magnus Bane. Follow Magnus’s Peruvian escapades as he drags his fellow warlocks Ragnor Fell and Catarina Loss into trouble, learns several instruments (which he plays shockingly), dances (which he does shockingly), and disgraces his host nation by doing something unspeakable to the Nazca Lines.

My rating: ★★★★★

This short story spans over several hundred years. If you recall, either in CoLS or CoHF it was mentioned that Magnus was banned from Peru and I was VERY intrigued. Well, in this story, we find out what happened and why he may or may not have been banned from Peru... Well, sort of 😉

Throughout a lot of these vacations in Peru, Magnus's warlock friend Ragnor Fell is right there with him. I’m glad we got to see him since we didn’t get very much of him in TMI. He’s just really funny and I loved their banter-y friendship!

“Try to be a little sensible,” Ragnor suggested.
“We’re on holiday!” said Magnus
“You’re always on holiday,” Ragnor pointed out. “You’ve been on holiday for thirty years!"

Caterina, who we meet in the later TMI books, also gets in on the fun. Some of the situations they find themselves in are just super ridiculous and I loved it every second of it! Here's a conversation between Catarina and Magnus:

“We actually had a very pleasant meal, even though you were still very drunk.”
“I’m sure I must have been sobering up at that point,” Magnus argued.
“Magnus, you were trying to flirt with your own plate.”
“I’m a very open-minded sort of fellow!”

What even is this?? 🤣 I mean, Magnus gets himself into so much trouble, I can definitely see why they'd ban him.

“I hate adventures in Peru,” Ragnor said at last in a stifled voice. “I want to go home.”
It was not Magnus’s fault when the ensuing warlock tantrum managed to sink the boat full of guano, but he was blamed just the same. Even worse, he was not paid.
“This constant air of foreboding that you have when you're around me is hurtful and unwarranted you know,” Magnus told Ragnor.

Poor Magnus, he just wants to have fun! Lol. But every time they hang out, they get in trouble, so I totally get it, Ragnor. Lol. I just love how salty Ragnor is. He is so done with Magnus’s shit, yet he still puts up with his little adventures. Lol.

In the end, it’s not really clear WHY he was banned from Peru... but I’d like to think it was an accumulation of all the shenanigans he did there. Lol. I really loved this! It was just so much fun!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! 😊

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