
Monday, October 11, 2021

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? #239: Space Janitor!

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Book Date and Unleashing Reads.

What I finished reading this past week:

I'm still on that Space Janitor kick! I just love this series--It's so much fun! It's this murder mystery series mixed with humor, and it's just great! This week I read 3 short stories and the 2nd book in the series.

Currently reading:

Started the 3rd book in the Space Janitor series and still have not picked Across the Universe back up 🙃

Up next:

And of course I'll be reading the 4th, and final book in the series next. It makes me so sad, but I just got a newsletter from the author where she literally sent out a Space Janitor Halloween short story, so hurray for that! Lol.

What are you reading this week?


  1. I'm glad you've found a series that has you hooked! I'm generally floating around books lost and confused at the moment not quite knowing what I'm in the mood for so starting 5 or 6 books before finding one that hooks me. *sigh*

    1. Oh yeah, I know that feeling. That was me at the end of the year. But funnily enough, I'm back on the Space Janitor train with the sequel series 🙈 lol
