
Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Top 10 Favorite Characters of 2021

Today I am sharing some of my favorite characters of the year!

If you were to ask me who my favorite heroine of all time is, I would tell you it's Gin Blanco from Elemental Assassin. Yeah she's an assassin, but she is a caring assassin. Lol. She's got morals and I love how fiercely loyal she is to her friends and family. And because she's an assassin she is very badass. I love her!

Jack from Tales from the Gas Station is a very relatable character. All he wants to do is be left alone so he can read his books 😆 Besides that, he's pretty level headed when it comes to the weird stuff that goes around the gas station. His friend Jerry on the other hand, a complete airhead! Lol. I don't know how he's gotten this far in life being the way he is, but I love him nonetheless. He's hilarious!

Gemma from Capture the Crown is great! All she want to do is be the best leader she can be. She has this outward persona of being a ditzy princess, but in reality our girl is going undercover to uncover dangerous secrets from their enemies, the Mortans. Leo is one of these Mortans, and I loved him! He was so sweet and nothing like the other vicious, ruthless Mortans we've met in the past. He's a really sweet and thoughtful person 🥰

Queen of Air and Darkness... this one was hard because I love ALL the characters! Especially because we had so many appearances from the main characters of The Mortal Instruments! You know I love my Jace Herondale 😍 But this book isn't about them, unfortunately. One of my favorite characters of this series in particular is Julian. Not only is he a sweetheart, completely different from the Herondale boys, but he is very caring and loyal to his family. I just love how protective he is of his younger siblings. And then we have Magnus and Alec who are probably my favorite couple of all time! They are just so freaking cute together! I love them! And while following them on their adventure through Europe was a lot of fun, I really enjoyed when they got to sneak in some quality time together amidst all the demons and cultists. Lol.

Quint from Instant Karma was another guy who was super sweet! His love for animals warmed my black heart 🖤

And Nova from Renegades was a very interesting and complex character. In a world full of superheroes, Nova is an Anarchist and has a grudge against the Renegades. And with good reason too. Her motives... I totally understood why she wanted to bring them down, even though the way she wanted to go about things probably wasn't the best. And then finding herself stuck between the Renegades and the Anarchists and that internal struggle, it was just really interesting! And on top of that, she was really smart and resourceful! I loved her!

What were some of your favorite characters of 2021?

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