
Saturday, January 15, 2022

Decluttering My TBR!

I started 2022 by decluttering my tbr... again. Lol. I removed a bunch of books off my Want to Read shelf on Goodreads back in 2019, but this time I focused on books I own that just didn't capture my attention anymore. And here is how things went:

This first screenshot I took at the beginning of 2021, and the second one at the beginning of 2022 AFTER I got rid of a bunch of physical books.

Now, this isn't very accurate... I didn't get rid of 74 physical books. I didn't have the forethought to look at my numbers before and after I did the culling this summer 😅 The 74 is a mix of books I got rid of and books I read and therefore removed from the list. I would guess it's about half and half. Anyway, at the very beginning of this year I did the same thing with my ebooks and I just deleted a bunch of books off my Kindle that I wasn't interested in anymore.

This time I DID have the forethought to take before and after screenshots. Lol. As you can see, I got rid of 43 ebooks! Honestly, I tend to be a little trigger happy when it comes to those freebies on Amazon... and then they end up sitting there for YEARS, so this felt really good to do!

That was very satisfying to do 😌 I would say I got rid of around 80 books I owned that I was never going to get to. But you know what that means... Room for MORE books! 😆


  1. Nothing like a good book purge! I had deleted about 200 books from my to-read at the end of the year and it felt great!

    1. Omg!! 200 is an incredible number! I think I might've gotten rid of about the same number from my to-read shelf 2 years ago. But yeah, it feels so good!

  2. Do you get credit back after you delete an e-book. Honestly I don't like buying e-books because there not much you can do with them.

    Well done getting rid of some books.

    1. Ha, I wish. But unfortunately no. The books I got rid of were mostly freebies or old ARCs. But yeah, I totally get what you mean. It's not like you can sell your ebook.

  3. That is my approach to my TBR when it gets too big.

    It's a great way to reduce the size of your TBR.

    1. It really is! And it's super satisfying, too! Lol.
