
Sunday, February 13, 2022

Sunday Post #287: I Might Have A Problem...

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week!

What I've been doing:

Another week of work. This week was a bit much for me. For those of you who don't know, I'm a nurse and I work in home health, so instead of patients coming to us, we go to them in their homes. The patient I am caring for now is a second grader with a tracheostomy, so I have to accompany her to school to watch her airway and make sure she doesn't go into respiratory distress. I'm basically a school nurse, but 1:1 with just this one student, there with her all day in the class. I really like my job, I've been doing this for years! I've actually been with this particular patient for about 6 years now. HOWEVER, idk why, but the kids at school have been a little bit more rowdy than usual this past month. It's just been insane and one day it even triggered my anxiety, so that's super fun. Because someone (me) has to be watching my patient all the time, I don't get breaks. I've been doing this long enough that it doesn't really bother me. Plus my patient is super stable. But that day last week where my anxiety was triggered I was definitely hoping I could take a break. And I know the teachers there would be totally fine if I did, but I just... didn't. Idk. Well, what about the actual school nurse? you might be asking. In the 3-4 years of going to this school I've literally seen her twice! She's a district nurse so she's not there all the time because she has all these school she needs to attend to. Anyway, that was me this week. I might start grabbing 5 minutes of peace where I can and just let the teachers know to come grab me if I'm needed. Especially because my mental health has not been doing well as is.

What I've been watching:

I finished watching All Of Us Are Dead and I loved it! It was SO good! Korean horror is amazing! Oh! And I'm also still making my way through season one of Supernatural!


Review posted this week:


Other posts:

#253: Nonfiction? ME?

Book Haul


Because I absolutely loved the Space Janitor series, I decided to be a backer for Julia Huni's recent Kickstarter to help fund her upcoming books. And this week I got some of those rewards! Three books that all take place in the Space Janitor series and I could not be more happy! Dirt the Vacu-Bot Missed is actually a behind the scenes look at how the series came about, so I am particularly excited about that one! I've been in such a strange mood for nonfiction lately, so this came at the perfect time!

I also finally got my LitJoy Crate edition of The Mortal Instruments and OMG they are beautiful! 😍 I ordered these back in August, I believe, but they were SO worth the wait! They have beautiful covers and pictures inside, the page edges are gorgeous, and they are annotated by Cassie Clare!!! So freaking excited! Do I have two sets of TMI? Yes. Do I now have 3 copies of City of Bones? Yup. I might have a slight problem, but I regret nothing 😏 Lol. I'll include more pictures below in case you're curious!

For Review:

I was SO excited when I found out about this book and then was approved for an ARC on Netgalley! I LOVE horror movies and I love science, so this book? Perfect for me! I'm about halfway through with it and I'm enjoying it! It is so fascinating! Thank you so much Tor Nightfire!


When I say I'll read anything by Jennifer Estep, I literally mean anything 😆 Lol. I got Write Your Own Cake with an Amazon gift card (really putting those cards to use lately. Lol.) This is an essay about writing and worldbuilding and she uses Kill the Queen as an example. I, of course, already read it, and loved it. Lol.

How was your guy's week? Get any bookish things? Let me know in the comments below or leave me a link to your post!


  1. Sorry to hear that work has been stressful. I hope you do find some solutions.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Thanks. It's been better these last couple of weeks.
