
Friday, April 1, 2022

Monthly Wrap-Up: March 2022

It's finally Spring!! I was getting really sick of the cold, so I'm glad it's starting to warm up. Hope you guys had a good month! Mine was very uneventful, just filled with work and... that's pretty much it. Lol. I did read 3 books and 3 novellas for a total of 1509 pages, about 400 more pages than last month!

Books read this month:

I read a bunch of stuff by Julia Huni! I finished the Tales of a Former Space Janitor series and it was great! It's just a fun series and I love the characters!

I also read a sort of prequel series to Space Janitor that takes place on Earth before it was completely evacuated, Abandoned World. This one had a more apocalyptic feel to it, and I am very intrigued by the world.

Dirt the Vacu-bot Missed is a nonfiction book that takes a look at the behind the scenes of the Space Janitor world. There were a lot of fun facts and information, and there was even a short story within the book! I loved it!

And the last Julia Huni book I read was a holiday novella! It was a lot of fun! I miss this world already 😭

And I FINALLY read Chain of Gold! And I loved it! But no one is surprised 😂 I just love the Shadow World and I really loved meeting the new characters. Not gonna lie, there are A LOT of characters, and in the beginning I had a particularly hard time keeping the Lightwoods straight just because there are so many of them 😆 But I ended up loving them all and just the book in general. I don't typically go for historical books, but if there's Shadowhunters involved, I'm in! Lol.

And last but not least, Heartless. This one is about the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland and just how she came to be the way she is. It was very interesting and cute and heartbreaking all at once. The end definitely made me cry, but I enjoyed it nonetheless!

Favorite books of the month:

Of course it's these two books, but, again, no one is surprised 😂 Everyone knows how much I love Cassie Clare, and Marissa Meyer quickly became another favorite after I binge read The Lunar Chronicles a couple years ago 🖤

Least favorite book of the month:

My one DNF this month, and it bored me. I couldn't connect with the character and the pacing was off.

Book reviewed this month:

All These Bodies by Kendare Blake | ★★★☆☆

Other posts:

February 2022

Let me know what your favorite read this month was and what you are looking forward to reading next month!


  1. Great job! I also loved Heartless! Happy April!

  2. I really loved Heartless. I listened to the audiobook, and it was a favorite!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Agreed! It's definitely a favorite of the year!

  3. I love uneventful months!😍 I own Heartless but I haven't read it yet! So glad you liked it!

    1. After 2020, I do too! 😆 I hope you get to Heartless soon--it was great!
