
Friday, October 14, 2022

Creatures of the Night Tag

I saw this fun tag over at a GREAT read! Jessica wasn't able to find the exact rules for the tag, so what she ended up doing was pick her favorite book that featured each creature, so that's what I'm gonna do too!


I read this series YEARS ago but I remember really liking it! I don't read a lot of vampire books these days, so this is all I could come up with. Lol.


This one was tough because I don't read werewolf books either... I mean, I've read books that have werewolves, like the Shadowhunter books, but none that are solely about werewolves. I mean, Scarlet counts, right? I love The Lunar Chronicles! And Stray is about werecats, so it's werewolf adjacent. Lol. But it's great (although I have not finished that series 😅)


This one is a lot of fun! Our girl is a fae slayer, and before you laugh, they are more vicious than you think. Lol.


One of my favorite things about this duology was the setting. But it was really good overall!


I love witchy books! This is one of my favorites because we the male love interest was the one who was the witch, instead of your usual female lead! I loved that! And the romance was just really sweet.


Come on. This one was a no brainer. PJO is a classic!


You will not believe the restraint it took to not pick a Shadowhunter book for this one 😆 But listen, I acknowledge that they're Nephilim and not angels, so I picked Unearthly instead! Lol. This is another one I read years ago but I remember loving it! And this is also another series I haven't finished yet 🙈😅

People with Superpowers

This is one of the best superhero books I have read! I loved it! It really made you wonder who the real villain of the story was 🤔

Merfolk/Creatures from the Sea

I just read this novella and it was SO GOOD! I love the idea of killer mermaids, and I'm actually right in the middle of the book, Into the Drowning Deep, and I am loving it!

I am not tagging anyone in particular, but feel free to do it yourself if you'd like! I'd love to see your answers! 😁

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