
Saturday, October 22, 2022

Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon: October 2022

I love a good readathon, but I always forget/miss when they happen. BUT I was aware of this one for a while now and I've been preparing! Lol. However, I just found out that there's a party today that I will probably be going to... sigh. I mean, could NOT go, but honestly, this wouldn't be the first time I read at a party 😂 And it wont be the last 🤣 And honestly, I don't plan on reading for all 24 hours... I love sleep too much 😆 But I am going to read as much as I possibly can in those 24 hours. I don't really have a goal in hours, but I do have a sort-of goal in what books I want to read/finish reading for the readathon.

For me, where I live, this will be starting at 5am PST. It's Friday evening as I write this, and I still haven't decided whether I want to wake up at 5am or not... Like I said, I love sleep 🤣 But I've become an early bird in the last couple of years, so I'm usually up by 7 or 8am anyway. I'll be doing updates on both Twitter and my IG stories, for anyone who cares. Lol. And I'll also update this post tomorrow or maybe I'll do a little update in tomorrow's Sunday Post. (And you can go HERE for more info on this readathon).

Below are some books that are on my TBR for the readathon. I'm obviously not gonna read all of these books, especially not in 24 hours. Lol. But I like to have a plan when going into a readathon, and my mood reader self likes to have options. Lol.

The For-Sure Books

One thing I sometimes do that really annoys me, is starting multiple books at once. Lol. And I've done this again this week!! I started Fallen Wishes on Tuesday as soon as I got the ARC, and I started Mere Mortals the next day when I finally got it from the library, and the day after that I started another Elemental Assassin book ( but I finished it on Friday lol). So my priority for the readathon is to finish these two books that I'm currently reading. And it shouldn't take me too terribly long to read them because they're not that long and I was really enjoying them!

The If-I-Feel-Like-(But-I-Actually-Really-Need-To-Read-These 😅) Books

I started reading The Earth Concurrence in JUNE and I still have not finished it!! (Again with the multiple books. Sigh. Lol.) The reason why I stopped reading it is because I think I've reached spoiler territory for the Recycled World duology, which I was not expecting. I knew they took place in the same world, but I didn't think I would run into spoilers because The Earth Concurrence takes place HUNDREDS of years AFTER Recycled World!! So I would liked to read Recycled World and Reduced World before I continue on with The Earth Concurrence and finally finish it. But the duology is more apocalyptic/dystopian while The Earth Concurrence is more sci-fi, and I just haven't been in the mood for dystopian, which is why I've been at a standstill with these series. So I would like to read all of these just so I can finally get The Earth Concurrence of my Currently Reading shelf, but I honestly don't know, what with my finicky mood. Lol.

The I-Need-To-Read-This-Before-The-Month-Is-Over-&-This-Is-The-Perfect-Opportunity-To-Do-It Book

In a group in Goodreads I was partnered up with someone who picked a book for me to read this month. Well, they gave me a selection of books and I think I'm gonna go with this one! I know, it's weird, especially because I'm a notorious mood reader and having someone pick my books for me is the opposite of mood reading 😂 But I like to do this every once in a while. And this books sounds good! Hopefully I'll get to it!

The I-Got-These-From-The-Library-So-I-Better-Read-Them-Before-They're-Due Books

And because it's spooky season, I got a bunch of spooky books from the library! And this isn't even all of them! But all of these are good options for after I finish reading my Must-Read books!

The These-Can-Wait-But-I-Don't-Care-I-Want-To-Read-Them-Now Books 😆

And because It's spooky season, I would like to read only spooky books. But I'm a mood reader and my mood has been wanting to re-read Elemental Assassin lately 😆 And it's also been wanting some more Shadowhunter goodness. Lol. These can wait, especially because I own both of them, but idk I might give in and start them. Lol.

And there's a book bingo too!

Let me know if you're joining in on this readathon and what you'll be reading!

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