
Sunday, November 13, 2022

Sunday Post #324: Worrying About Nothing

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week!

What I've been doing:

Nothing too exciting to report on this week... no, I take that back. Early in the week, a kindergartener pulled the fire alarm at school 😂 That was a whole thing, especially, because apparently, the preschoolers freaked out and were crying and a couple of them were in the bathroom and their aid was at lunch AND they had a substitute teacher 😂 Some of the other teachers helped wrangle them and get them outside, but it was a whole thing 😂 Anyway, I'm glad I only have my one kid I need to worry about 😆

Speaking of worrying, I'm writing this Saturday night and I finished painting my nails not too long ago, but out of nowhere anxiety just hit me! UGH. There's is absolutely no reason for it, and I kinda wanted to cry. Anxiety is the worst 😒 But I put on some music and I am feeling a lot better now. I'm gonna have to start working out again, because that's one thing I found really helps. I am terrible at keeping up with a workout routine, but the thing that always kicks my butt into gear is anxiety 😂 Luckily it's not that bad. It's more irritating than anything. What am I worrying about? NOTHING! 🙄

What I've been watching:

Omg next week is apparently the season finale of Chucky and I'm not ready! 😭 I love this show! It is so much fun! Also, Good Chucky HOW DARE YOU! 😭

What I've been listening to:

Speaking of music, the one artist I've been listening to nonstop lately is Unlike Pluto. I LOVE his music! I go through phases where I just listen to one thing/artist/whatever nonstop, and currently it is him. I think it's because he's been releasing new music lately, which is all amazing! ☝️ That is just one of my favorite songs right now! (And yes, I am currently listening to him as I try to get this anxiety under control 😆 Stuck is playing at this precise moment and it is SO good!)

What I've been playing:

This week I got back into Kirby! I actually haven't finished this game yet even though it's not terribly long 🙈 These days I actually don't play a lot of video games, but I'm starting to feel like I'm back in the mood for them. I also did a couple rounds of Fall Guys, even though I am still terrible at that game 😆 But it's fun! Also, I've been thinking about picking up Animal Crossing again. It's been more than a couple months 👀


Posted this week:

#289: I Don't Recognize Myself...
End of the Year TBR: ALL the Series!



Book Haul

For Review:

I loved Holly Jackson's other books, so I was super excited when I got an ARC of Five Survive! Her mysteries are always so well done and I am excited to read this book! Thank you so much Delacorte Press!

How was your guy's week? Get any bookish things? Let me know in the comments below or leave me a link to your post!

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