
Wednesday, December 21, 2022

The 3 Books I DNFd in 2022

I always feel bad when I DNF a book, but I'm trying to get better at dropping books I'm not enjoying because if I don't, I've found that I always put myself in a reading slump, and no one wants that. When I do drop a book, I decide whether I want to pick it back up or not, and unfortunately, these three books are ones I don't think I'll be picking up again.

Allison Hewitt is Trapped by Madeleine Roux

I was really in the mood for some zombie when I started this book. But honestly, I read 60 pages of this and just could not get into it. And I don't even really know why. I mean, it sounded interesting, but reading it was for some reason very uninteresting. I just didn’t care for the characters, and I felt like things weren’t happening? I mean, things were happening, it was just things I didn’t care about. Lol. But anyway, this one was unfortunately not for me, I think.

Stolen Luck by Jaclyn Weist

This is another book that sounded interesting and just a lot of fun! I pulled this Amazon freebie out in March, because when else are you supposed to read a book about a leprechaun stealing magic 😆 However, I read about 20% of it and just couldn't get into it. It was very whiplash-y in that we jumped from one thing to the next just go, go, go. The flow was not smooth at all. There was a lot of being told instead of shown, which I don’t like, and I feel like there was no depth to the main character. I feel like the romance had potential for me, but I couldn’t bring myself to care when I couldn’t connect to the main character. I mean 20% in and I feel like I knew nothing about her! Just not for me.

A Touch of Gold by Annie Sullivan

And my last DNF of the year is surprisingly a Greek mythology book! I love mythology, but I just could not get into this one for some reason. I love the premise and it was very interesting in the beginning, and the main character showed some sass, which I loved, but she was mostly a pretty blah character. And then they got on the ship and I was just out. I don’t know why, but I just wasn’t vibing with it. But listen, I did read 100 pages of this, which is a third of the book! So I did give it a try. But I'm also trying to get better about dropping books I'm not enjoying, even though it still makes me feel kinda bad 😅

Le me know if you've read any of these books and whether I should give them a second shot!

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