
Saturday, February 11, 2023

The Anti-Valentines Book Tag

If you've been here any amount of time, you know that Valentines Day is not a thing that is for me 😅 Hence why I think this tag is perfect for me! 😆 I found it over at Quibbles and Scribbles, and it was created by Write Your Destiny.

A Book Where There is no Love Interest

No romance. Just a planet full of robots 😆

A Book Where Romance is an Afterthought

It's a cozy mystery thriller set in SPACE! I love it! It does have romance, but it's not the main plot of the book. (Honestly, I could've used MORE romance in this series, which is something I never thought I'd say about a book 😂)

An Overly Cheesy Romance Book

This is a horror romance, so it counts, okay? 😆 But yeah, the romance was very cheesy.

A Book Where a Character Marries for Convenience not Love

I don't think I've read all that many books with this trope... probably because I don't read a lot of romance. Lol. But I think this one counts!

A Book with Rose/Roses on the Cover

I hate Grace, but I love this cover 😆

I am not tagging anyone in particular, but feel free to do it yourself if you'd like! I'd love to see your answers! 😁


  1. Oh fun tag! Though oddly enough...I am not sure I could do this one! Lol. I guess my books have more romance on the side of the plot these days!
