
Saturday, February 4, 2023

The Bookish Prediction Tag

I saw this fun tag over at Truffle's Literary Wonders, and it was originally created by Book Princess Reviews.

Next Read

So I'm a big time mood reader, and therefore I don't really know what exactly I'll be reading next. BUT I am currently re-reading the Elemental Assassin series and Venom in the Veins is up next. And since I still don't have my copy of Chain of Thorns yet 😫 (even though I bought 3 copies 🙈😅), I've been craving more Shadowhunters and Ghosts of the Shadow Market is the only book I have left that I haven't read, so I may start that one soon.

Next 5 Star Read

I really enjoyed the first book, and I'm really enjoying this one so far too! It's so fun!

Next 1 Star Read

I never go into a book expecting it to be a 1-star read, but R.L. Stine books tend to be hit or miss. So I'm just picking a random R.L. Stine book cause even though I go into them expecting to like them, sometimes I don't.

Next Love Interest (or Character that Seems Really Cool to You)

This one was tough. One of my challenges this year is to catch up on Rachel Vincent books, so hopefully I'll get around to this one sometime this year. I remember really liking the characters that she writes, so hopefully I'll find some I love in this series!

Next Book You’ll Be Buying

I've been thinking lately that I need to pre-order these two books. I'm gonna do it.

Next Book That Will Leave You with a Book Hangover (and Desperately Wanting a Reread or Next in Series)

I cannot wait to get a hold of this book! I read Chain of Iron last month and omg! That ending! I have a feeling this book is going to crush my soul and leave me in a book hangover the same way Clockwork Princess left me all those years ago 😭

I am not tagging anyone in particular, but feel free to do it yourself if you'd like! I'd love to see your answers! 😁


  1. Ooh fun tag! This one looks challenging! I'm also a sort of mood reader and while I do know at least my next book ahead of the one I currently read, that can sometimes it did within moments of my finishing my last book! Lol!

    1. That happens to me every time I pick up a book! 😂
