
Saturday, March 4, 2023

Pre-Spring TBR

It's almost Spring, and I don't know about you guys, but I'm really looking forward to it! I'm getting really sick of the cold. Lol. Anyway, for the last month or so, I've been in a real weird mood where I didn't really know what I wanted to read, but it wasn't exactly a slump because I just kept going back to my re-read of Elemental Assassin. Lol. But now that I'm back from vacation, I have a couple books I want to read before the month is over. They're mostly ARCs I've recently received.

These two books are books I have been reading for a couple weeks now. I read a couple pages here and there, but I really want to sit down and finish them. Chain of Thorns I'm struggling with because even though I want to read it and find out what happens, I don't want to series to end! 😭 And this is why I'm horrible at finishing series 🤦‍♀️ Lol.

Last Strand is the last book in my Elemental Assassin re-read, and then Heart Stings is a brand new novella that is set to come out in May! The author was kind enough to send me an ARC, so I am VERY excited to read it! I'm currently reading Last Strand and will probably finish it soon.

And these two book I got an ARC of just last month, and I am very excited to read them! I'm obsessed with the Space Janitor world and I am SO happy that we finally got a new book in the series! And the Ellie Jordan series is one of my favorites of all time, so I always look forward when a new addition is added to the series!

Let me know if you've read any of these books or what is on your TBR list for the month! 😊


  1. Sunset House sound cool. Hope you enjoy these books.

    1. I really enjoyed it! This is one of my favorite series though lol

  2. I bought the first What If book for my dad for Christmas - seems so interesting!

    1. Oh I hope he likes it! It was! It was a very enjoyable read!
