
Saturday, March 11, 2023

The Secret Life of a Book Blogger Tag

I saw this tag over at Monstrumology and I thought it would be perfect to do this month because my blogoversary is just a few days away!

How long have you been blogging?

In a couple days, it will be 12 years!!

At which point do you think you’ll stop blogging?

I honestly don't know. Probably when it stops being fun?

What is the best part about blogging?

Talking about books!

What is the worst? What do you do to make it okay?

Sometimes the book world can be toxic. Luckily, I almost never stumble into that territory and only ever hear snippets of it.

How long does it take you to make/find pictures to use?

Not long. When I make a collage or header or whatever, I have a bunch premade so I just go in and fill it in with the appropriate title or pictures. And I love using gifs, as you may have noticed lol, and that also doesn't take me long. Especially because I love using Supernatural gifs and Supernatural has a gif for everything...

See! 🤣

Who is your book crush?

I have a bunch, but I'm gonna have to go with...

You shouldn't be surprised at this point that it's Jace 😆

What author would you like to have on your blog?

I don't really do a lot of promotional posts or author interviews anymore, soooo... idk. No one comes to mind. There's a lot of authors I chat with on social media, but have not had on my blog.

What do you wear to write your blog posts?

Leggings, t-shirt, hoodie. And a blanket cause I like being comfy. Lol.

Yes Cas, it is... stop judging me! Lol.

How long does it take you to prepare?

A post? A while. I mean, all my post are also pre-made, so I just copy and paste and fill it in with the appropriate information. The filling in part is what takes me longer cause I have to do some writing and find pictures. And reviews take me even longer because I gotta, you know, make them coherent or whatever 😆

How do you feel about the blogging community?

I love it! I love talking about books with people, and I've been fortunate enough to not be involved with or be near any drama.

What do you think one should do to create a successful blog?

Don't do it for money or numbers, do it because of your love for books and talking about them with people. This is a hobby for me, it's just meant to be fun. But when it starts feeling like a job, I find myself taking a break, and that's never what I want this to be.

I am not tagging anyone in particular, but feel free to do it yourself if you'd like! I'd love to see your answers! 😁