This monthly review-a-thon is hosted by Reading the Paranormal and it is usually held on the last Friday-Sunday of each month. The event is meant to encourage you to write those reviews, and because I am awful at keeping up with mine, I decided to participate in this in hopes that it will help keep me on top of things.
Last month I didn't do the review-a-thon because I was on vacation, but I'm back at it this month! This weekend I'm hoping to write reviews for these three books, which are all ARCs I've read. One review I'm hoping to post next week, and the other two are reviews I'm hoping to post next month. I have a bunch of other reviews I want to write, but these three are my main priority.
I honestly don't know how many reviews I'll be able to write this weekend because there's some things I need to get done for the upcoming baby shower (it's next weekend!), so we'll see. But I'll keep track of the reviews I actually write here:
❌ (Honestly, I opted to play Thief Simulator instead of getting anything written 🙈 lol)
❌ (Ended up working on some stuff for the baby shower 😅)
❌ (Uhh...)
Sunday night update: Yeahhhh, this month was a fail 😂 In my defense, I was busy with baby shower things 😆
The baby shower was totally worth not getting as much reading and blogging done - it turned out great!
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