
Saturday, April 22, 2023

Finish the Series #23: Longest Book EVER

Last time I did one of these posts was in January, and I have not been doing a great job of finishing series since then 😅 But I finally finished another one!!

What I finished:

It took me a while to finish this, but I finally did it! I don't know why this book felt so freaking long, but I started it back in February and I just finished it this past week! Yes, it's 778 pages long, but Queen of Air and Darkness was longer, and that one didn't feel as long as this one! That being said, I did enjoy the book. I liked the story and I loved the characters. Cassie Clare always writes great, lovable characters 🖤 I'm going to miss them 😭

Up next:

In my last post I mentioned that I hadn't gotten Cursed yet, but it finally arrived!! And it is so pretty! A readathon is coming up next weekend, and I think I want to read this book for that.

Series finished so far in 2023: 2/5

Let me know if you've read any of these series or if there is a series you are working on finishing right now 😊