
Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Review: Dirt the Vacu-bot Missed by Julia Huni

Title: Dirt the Vacu-bot Missed

Series: Space Janitor | Tales of a Former Space Janitor | Recycled World | Colonial Explorer Corps

Author: Julia Huni

Genre: Adult, nonfiction, sci-fi

Publication date: February 2022

Published by: Julia Huni

Source: Backed on Kickstarter - Ebook reward

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Synopsis: A look at the story behind the Space Janitor books. Only for Kickstarter backers.

My rating: ★★★★★

I loved this book, which should not come as a surprise because I love the Space Janitor world!

But this isn't just another Space Janitor book, not exactly. It's this sort of behind the scenes nonfiction book about the series and the author's other series! I loved it!

The book starts off talking a bit about the author and how she got started writing, the Space Janitor series specifically. She also talked about going through publishing and cover changes. I actually first came upon this series in its first iteration with that OG cover and title...

One thing I love about this author's books is that they all take place in the same universe—The Space Janitor Universe, if you will. (Well, all of them except the series she co-wrote with another author). But she basically gave a quick timeline rundown of which series happens when, which I appreciated. She also talked a bit about the government, which was very helpful. And she also talked about how she names things and where she found the inspiration for certain planets.

Oh, and then there was a short story included at the end about Vanti and Ty! I was not expecting it, but I loved it! It was when they first met and they were doing training at the academy, and it was just fun!

O’Neill held out a fist. “Partners?”
Lindsay bumped her knuckles against his. “Partners. Vanti and Griz, against the world.”
Griz smiled. “Deal.”

But yeah, this was great! As a fan of the Space Janitor series, I really appreciated the behind the scenes look at the series and world. Plus, the author’s sketches were super fun! I hope the author publishes this ebook publicly, because I was lucky enough to receive it after backing one of her Kickstarter projects, and I think everyone who loves her books as much as I do would really enjoy this!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! 😊

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