
Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Review: The Earth Concurrence (Colonial Explorer Corps #1) by Julia Huni

Title: The Earth Concurrence

Series: Colonial Explorer Corps #1

Author: Julia Huni

Genre: Adult, sci-fi

Publication date: November 2020

Published by: IPH Media

Source: Purchased ebook

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Synopsis: Taking a gap year before attending the Explorer Corps Academy, Siti Kassis accompanies her legendary father on a trip to the prize jewel in an Explorer's crown: Earth.

Evacuated centuries before, humans now return to mankind's planet of origin to reclaim their birthright.

But when Siti and her father's team land near the site of the last known scientific outpost, they find more than they bargained for.

My rating: ★★★☆☆

More books in the Space Janitor universe! Yay! Now, this isn't a Space Janitor book, per se. While it takes place in the same world, it's a different series that follows completely different characters. Our main character in this series is Siti, daughter of the Hero of Darenti Four, who is in the Colonial Explorer Corps. They basically go around discovering and exploring new planets. But in this case, they’re going back to re-explore Earth after having evacuated it 500 years in the past. But these unsuspecting explorers find more than they bargained for when they land.

One thing about this book that I wasn't expecting was that it was more character-driven than plot-driven. It made the book feel slow compared to your average Space Janitor book. I didn't dislike it, I just wasn't expecting it. But things really started to pick up toward the end. It was a rollercoaster of a ride and the end fight was intense! As Someone who really likes action, I really enjoyed that.

Another thing about this book was that there were so many characters in it... so many!

It was so much. I couldn’t keep them straight.

But the characters I could keep straight, I liked. Lol. Siti was very sassy and I loved having her as the main character.

And I really enjoyed exploring (re-exploring?) Earth and finding out what had happened since it was evacuated 500 years ago. And let me tell you, it was wild! I was not expecting any of that! And if you're curious about what happened 500 years ago, there's a series on that! It's called Recycled World and it's a duology that takes place during that time period. I have only read the prequel, Abandoned World, and I kinda wish I would've read the entire duology beforehand because I feel like CEC is a direct sequel to Recycled World and I probably would've appreciated things more. Halfway through this book. I actually stopped reading it because I thought I stumbled upon spoiler territory for Recycled World, but me reading the duology never happened so I just finished this book. Lol. But I still do want to read it eventually! It’s just a matter of my mood cooperating. Sigh.

Speaking of all the different series, I love how they all take place in the same universe, but they all have their own unique feel. Space Janitor is a light, fun, cozy sci-fi mystery, but CEC isn’t as light, which I'm totally okay with. CEC is also more character-driven which made things feel slow, but only because I wasn't expecting it. And then you have the post-apocalyptic Recycled World series. I love it! And I enjoyed this overall! I liked the premise and I like Siti, so I'm really looking forward to following her on more adventures.

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! 😊

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