
Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Review: The Saha Declination (Colonial Explorer Corps #3) by Julia Huni

Title: The Saha Declination

Series: Colonial Explorer Corps #3

Previous books in this series: The Earth Concurrence (#1) | The Grissom Contention (#2)

Author: Julia Huni

Genre: Adult, sci-fi

Publication date: September 2021

Published by: IPH Media

Source: Purchased ebook

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Synopsis: She survived the academy, but did it prepare her for an alien world?

Siti Kassis excelled at the Academy, earning honors and respect. She has one last cadet mission before she graduates, but it should be easy. She'll be the most junior member of an established Explorer Corps team landing on a partially explored planet. With decades of experience and the full support of the corps, what could go wrong?

Then they encounter dangerous aliens, sabotage from within, and a deadly enemy at the gates.

Siti must rely on her friends--and some of her enemies--to survive the final challenge.

My rating: ★★★★☆

Siti and the crew are headed on their senior mission, which is the last mission before they graduate from Colonial Explorer Academy. And if you think things are gonna go easy-peasy for Siti, that she's gonna go explore a planet, learn things, and come back to the academy without issue, well you’d be WRONG. Because just like in the last book, things go all sorts of wrong in this book! And I loved it! Lol.

So Siti was on this mission, minding her own business, when someone sabotaged a bot and framed Siti for it!

And before they know it, she and Joss are stuck in unfamiliar and unexplored territory, surrounded by enemies.

What made this even more interesting was that in order to get out of this situation, Joss and Sit had to trust some of these enemies. It was crazy right from the start and really engaging, and I just really enjoyed this book! I liked following Siti and her friends (and enemies) as they went from one bad situation to another, all while trying to find help and evade the bad guys at the same time. I liked seeing how resourceful they were, and even little Liam pitched in, which was amazing! I love that little glider.

I also really liked the characters, which have been growing on me more and more as the books go on. One character that surprised me was Lee because holy crap was he a terrible person in the last book! And I won't say much to avoid spoilers, but you got to know him a bit better in this book and honestly, by the end of this book, I didn't totally hate him anymore.

The book also had some pretty good action. Even in the end when the action was over, things weren't totally resolved yet, but that entire situation was tense!

But yeah, I really liked this! It was just a crazy, fun adventure and I’m looking forward to seeing what’s in store for Siti after this!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! 😊

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