
Saturday, July 22, 2023

Dewey's Reverse Readathon: July 2023

I am so excited for another readathon! And I am especially excited for this one because instead of starting in the morning, it starts in the evening! You can go HERE for more info on the readathon!

So for me, where I live, this will have started at 5pm PST yesterday, and it's ending today at 5pm PST. I'm writing this the morning the readathon starts, and I can already tell you that I'm not going to be staying up through the night... I love sleep too much 😂 The last two times I did a readathon I had things going on, but this weekend I should be completely free so I should get a decent amount of reading done!

I'll be doing updates on Twitter, for anyone who cares. Lol. And I may also update this post as I go, or maybe I'll do a little update in tomorrow's Sunday Post or Monday's post to wrap up how things went.

As for the books I'll be reading, I'm just going to pick books from my Summer TBR. I also have some ARCs I could pick up, and I'm also re-reading the Soul Screamers series, so I could do that as well.


So the readathon is officially over and I ended up finishing 3 books across 14.5 hours!! Not too bad! I did take a break for, you know, sleep lol, but I also ended up taking a tiny break for lunch today and also another little break for the Holo Taco nail polish collection release! I ordered some polishes and watched some of Simplynailogical's live stream regarding it. But despite that, I feel like I did pretty good! One day I'll read the full 24 hours, but today was not that day 😂

Let me know if you're joining in on this readathon and what you'll be reading!

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