
Saturday, August 19, 2023

Bout of Books Readathon!

The Bout of Books readathon is organized by Amanda Shofner and Kelly Rubidoux Apple. It’s a weeklong readathon that begins 12:01am Monday, August 21st and runs through Sunday, August 27th in YOUR time zone. Bout of Books is low-pressure. There are reading sprints, daily Discord questions, and exclusive Instagram challenges, but they’re all completely optional. For all Bout of Books 38 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team

I've been in a readathon mood this entire year, and I have found another one that is coming up next week! I haven't done this one before, but I'm excited! This is a low-pressure, weeklong challenge where all you have to do is read. How much and how long is up to you. My goal for this readathon is to catch up on my Goodreads reading challenge because I am terribly behind!

I've been behind for months now! But I'm hoping this readathon will help me catch up. The readathon is 7 days long and I'm 10 books behind schedule... I think reading 10 books in 7 days can be attainable if I read shorter books, but I feel like my tbr consists of mostly decently sized books. Oh, man. But if it comes down to it, I have a couple graphic novels I need to get to. Lol. I still have my Summer TBR I haven't completed yet, so I'm going to try and read books from there, plus a couple of others...

I'm a mood reader so I need options. Lol. These are all mostly horror/mystery thrillers. I do have some urban fantasy, romantic suspense, and a fantasy thriller... but they all deal with mysteries and/or deaths πŸ˜† I'm just in that sort of mood right now. Lol.

Monday (Day 1)

I started off the readathon right with TWO 5-star reads! My Soul To Take was a re-read, but I enjoyed it just as much as when I first read it over ten years ago. And League of Liars was also great! I loved the world and the magic system and just the overall story!

Number of books read today: 2
Pages read today: 640
Total time read today: 11 hours 24 minutes
Total number of books read so far: 2

Tuesday (Day 2)

For day 2 of the readathon I only read 1 book because by the afternoon, as I was reading the end, I got a headache πŸ™ƒ so I took the rest of the afternoon off from reading. But I read 1 book in its entirety, so I call that a win! Lol. And I really enjoyed the book! I forgot how much I liked the world and characters!

Number of books read today: 1
Pages read today: 380
Total time read today: 6 hours 49 minutes
Total number of books read so far: 3

Wednesday (Day 3)

Today was a mixed bag with the two romantic suspense books I picked out... I read a not-good book, but then I read a really good book! Saving Mitch was not it. I did not like the romance or the characters. The romance had no substance and the characters were either Mary Sues or assholes. But Her Ex-crush Bodyguard... it was SO good! But I knew I was going to like this one because I love all of Janette Rallison's books πŸ˜† She writes to cutest romances (that have substance) and really likable characters! Plus the story in this one was much more interesting! It was so good! And I'm glad I read it second because I finished my day off well, instead of on a bad note. Lol.

Number of books read today: 2
Pages read today: 456
Total time read today: 8 hours 43 minutes
Total number of books read so far: 5

Thursday (Day 4)

Today was not a good reading day... during a readathon at least. I had a hair appointment, and that took a while, so I didn't get much reading done during the day. I read a bit in the morning and then a little at the salon while I was under the dryer, but then I got home and decided to spend the rest of the day playing The Sims 4 πŸ˜† I'm addicted, what can I say. But also, I might be burning out with reading. In my everyday life, I actually don't read every day, or so much in one day, so I think it's getting to me. So I didn't feel bad not reading as much this day because I didn't want to get myself into a reading slump. But I did read some! I read about 5 chapters of Dial 'A' for Aunties, and 2 chapters of How I Met Your Brother. Both of these are adult romcom-type books, but honestly, I don't think I'm in the mood for these. I thought I was, but now I don't know. Lol. I think I want some YA mysteries, so I'm gonna have to reevaluate.

Number of books read today: 0
Pages read today: 60
Total time read today: 1 hour 13 minutes
Total number of books read so far: 5

Friday (Day 5)

Today I opted to make a brookie and play The Sims 4 πŸ˜…

Number of books read today: 0
Pages read today: 0
Total time read today: 0
Total number of books read so far: 5

Saturday (Day 6)

And today I opted to do diamond art painting πŸ˜…

Number of books read today: 0
Pages read today: 0
Total time read today: 0
Total number of books read so far: 5

Sunday (Day 7)

On the last day of the readathon I decided to get back into it, but I went with something a little more light and read a couple of graphic novels! These turned out to be perfect because they were short, quick reads, AND this is a series I've been wanting to finish anyway. I didn't finish it this week, but I only have two more volumes left! (And I also really like this series! I love Greek mythology!)

Number of books read today: 4
Pages read today: 308
Total time read today: 2 hours 58 minutes
Total number of books read during the readathon: 9

Wish me luck, because I'm certainly gonna need it. Lol. And let me know if you're going to be participating too!

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