
Thursday, August 24, 2023

Review: Moonlight Secrets (Fear Street Nights #1) by R.L. Stine

Title: Moonlight Secrets

Series: Fear Street Nights #1

Author: R.L. Stine

Genre: YA, horror, mystery thriller

Publication date: January 2005

Published by: Simon Pulse

Source: Purchased paperback

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Synopsis: When you can't sleep, there's always NIGHTS.

It all started with Lewis and Jamie. They were sneaking out late at night to be together. Then their friends started joining in. First at the old burned-down Fear Mansion. Later at the local bar Nights.

They called themselves the Night People. And they carefully protected their secret world. No parents, no work, no stress. Just chilling with friends in their own private after-hours club.

But then the nights turned dark. Unexplainable accidents, evil pranks... and then, later, the killings. The Night People know they have to stop the horror all by themselves, or else they risk exposure -- not to mention their lives.

Things go bump in the Night...

My rating: ★★★☆☆

After a year of no Fear Street, I’m finally getting back into it this year! This is my second series of the year, and I went into it a little apprehensive just because these books can be hit or miss, but this one turned out to be pretty okay!

By far, my favorite thing about this book was all the Fear family lore. The book actually starts out in the burned-down Fear mansion, but it is unfortunately torn down and a bar built in its place. The entirety of Fear Street is actually given a makeover and it made me really sad.

I love Fear Street and how creepy it is and all the bad stuff that goes on there, and they just built a mall there? 😭 But anyway, before the mansion was torn down, a bunch of dumb kids snuck into the house and looted the place. Well, at least what remained of it. Soon after these kids start having unfortunate accidents, and they start to wonder whether the infamous Angelica and Simon Fear are behind it all 👀

Like I said, talk of the Fears was all over this book and I loved it! I love it when the Fears and the Fear family curse play a role in the books, so I enjoyed that aspect of this book. But I didn’t really like any of the characters, which is something that happens often with me and these Fear Street books, unfortunately. But it’s fine because they were all dying and just generally having a bad time. Lol.

But yeah, this was fine. I didn’t really love the story. But I did love some aspects of the book. I loved that it took place largely on Fear Street, even though it was a renovated Fear Street. And I of course loved all the mentions of the Fear family and the curse. And I’m actually looking forward to the rest of the series! As long as it has lots of Fear family curses and stuff, I’ll be happy. Lol.

The Fear Street connection: Omg these dumb dumbs hung out on Fear Street, in the old burned-out Fear Mansion just for funsies. What’s wrong with them?! Lol. And they made out there 🙃 How very romantic. Lol.

“You know the stories about the Fear Mansion. Simon and Angelica Fear were supposed to be the most evil people in the world.”

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! 😊

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