
Sunday, September 10, 2023

Sunday Post #366: Ugh, Here We Go...

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week!

What I've been doing:

Yesterday I woke up with a sore throat and felt like crap all day. Ugh. When I tell you grade schools are germ factories... I love this for me 🙃

But besides that, not too much going on. Just work and reading. Lol.

What I've been playing:

The Sims 4. You should not be surprised at this point 😆


Books reviewed this week:


Other posts from this week:

#332: No Romance, Only Murders

Ongoing giveaway:

Book Haul


[Click the image to take you to the Amazon page! But check the price first to make sure it's still free!]

For Review:

The way I am so excited about this ARC even though it's a collection of Elemental Assassin short stories, all of which I've read before 😆

Library Loot:

I've been on a mystery thriller kick recently, I thought it was finally time to finish this series.

How was your guy's week? Get any bookish things? Let me know in the comments below or leave me a link to your post!


  1. Sorry you are feeling poorly. I seem to catch everything ever since I had Covid.

    1. So it turned out that I had covid here, for the first time 🙃 Luckily my symptoms weren't terrible, but boy was it not fun
