
Sunday, October 8, 2023

Sunday Post #370: Embracing the Spooky a Little Too Literally

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week!

What I've been doing:

Just another week of work and reading. Work is... there is so much drama, it is insane! As long as they don't involve me, it's fine. I'm very interested to see where this ends up going 😆 (One day I may tell you because the chisme is juicy, but I only just found out this past week lol). On another school-related note, they found another freaking snake on the playground during recess!

😨 This is apparently a corn snake so it's not venamou, BUT STILL! Last school year they found two on the same day! Omg. Not the school embracing spooky season a little to literally 😂

Speaking of spooky, I went to Big Lots and got some cute socks!

And I also got these cute vines with fairy lights from there, so I ended up putting up a bunch of lights around my room!

What I've been watching:

I started season 2 of The Exorcist TV show, and I also watched The Nun II yesterday and... so far I'm not impressed 😅 I love horror, but even I have to admit that there is a lot of stuff out there that is not great. Lol.

What I've been listening to:

FINALLY new music from IdkHow!! I'm so excited! There's also new music coming out from Blink-182... and it's just great 😌

What I've been playing:

I'm still playing The Sims 4. Lol. BUT I'm gonna be starting a new challenge soon! It's called The Alien Take Over Challenge and the goal is basically to impregnate the human Sims, then kill them off and raise the alien babies to take over the world! Muahaha! I created my alien Sim today and... I'm not that great at creating male Sims 😅 Female Sims are so much easier! Lol. But yeah, I'm gonna make him a house with a creepy basement to hold the Mundanes captive, and then I'm going to start the challenge!

But I'm still also doing the Super Sim Challenge. She recently became a werewolf and I'm currently working on completing all the werewolf aspirations. She also has a cute dog I creatively named Wolfie 😆 But I love him! He is the cutest! She actually had two other pets, a cat and a dog, when she was completing the Friend of the Animals aspiration and the Vet and Pet Training skills, but they both died 😭 Eventually I'm going to bring them back from the dead though. I miss them!

As I'm playing I'm going to try to remember to grab some screenshots, because this game gets so chaotic and I absolutely love it! 😆

Nail art of the week:


I haven't shared very much nail art lately. Mostly because I haven't really been doing a lot of nail art, but also because I've been trying to post it on IG first, but that is not happening! 😂 Between keeping up IG and keeping up this blog, I'd rather keep up the blog. Lol. So I'm gonna start sharing more nail art on here and not worry about IG (though I may post them on my stories and call it a day lol).


Books reviewed this week:


Other posts from this week:

#336: Serial Killers Everywhere
Spooky Book Recommendations


Ongoing giveaway:

Book Haul


I was in the mood for some sci-fi horror, so I used a gift card I had to get these two books!

How was your guy's week? Get any bookish things? Let me know in the comments below or leave me a link to your post!

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