
Monday, December 4, 2023

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? #345: Short Contemporary Tangent?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Book Date and Unleashing Reads.

What I read:

At first glance, it may seem like I read a lot this week, but don't let all these covers fool you... I only read TWO full-length novels (Krimson Flare and Betting on You) 😂 The rest are novellas and graphic novels. Lol. Listen, I am behind on my reading challenge and I'm trying to catch up. And I'm not above using novellas, short stories, and graphic novels to do that 😂

Anyway, I finished the Krimson Empire sci-fi series and I really enjoyed it! It was fun and action-packed. And then I took a detour onto Contemporary Lane, which is a rare thing for me. But I had an ARC of Betting on You and I really needed to read it, and I liked it! It was so freaking cute! It was a little predictable but I liked the romance.

Then I read two Lynn Painter novellas and really liked them. Again, they were super cute! And I'm actually thinking I want to read more contemporaries? 👀 Idk, we'll see. And another series I finished was the Olympians series! This is a Greek mythology graphic novel series and I really enjoyed it! The retellings are well done!

Currently reading:

I finally started Sword Catcher! I'm only like 60 pages in or so, but so far so good. The high fantasy words are... a lot, but I love Cassie Clare so I'm willing to stumble over a couple names to get to the good stuff 😂

Up next:

A new graphic novel series by George O'Connor! This one is about Norse mythology! I got an ARC of this one so I'll probably be reading it sometime this week.

What are you reading this week?


  1. You still read a lot, even if some of them are novellas. I'm reading Verity, my first Colleen Hoover book. It's good so far.

    1. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying that one! I've heard very mixed things about her books.
