Today we're looking at some of the prettier covers of books I read this year!
The Ellie Jordan series in general has gorgeous covers! I love the Sunset House cover because of the pretty covers and how spooky the house looks. The Shadowhunter books also typically have very pretty covers, and even though I hate Grace, the Chain of Thorns cover is gorgeous! And Cassandra Clare's other book, Sword Catcher, also has a really pretty cover! I love the color combo and all the little details in the images and the border. (Plus, my edition has sprayed edges and I love it so much!)
Jennifer Estep is another author whose covers are very pretty! In fact, I liked the cover of the first Galactic Bonds novel that I did some nail art inspired by it 👀 And I always love the Elemental Assassin covers as well! Gin always looks so badass! (Also, I like the top she's wearing in Stings and Stones 😆). And this year I re-read The Lightning Thief in preparation for the TV show (!!!), but I read the illustrated edition for the first time! I loved all the illustrations, including the cover! I love how a wave of water is building behind Percy while a wave of monsters is coming at him. So good!
And then the covers that inspired me to do this post in the first place (because I don't actually do this covers post every year): Astrid Scholte books! I love her covers! They're pretty and eerie which almost fits what's inside the books. They're not spooky per se, but they are fantasy thrillers! They're SO good!
Let me know what some of your favorite covers of the year were!
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