
Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Finish the Series #28: Series I finished in 2023 and Series I'm Hoping to Finish in 2024

2023 was a pretty good year in regards to finishing series! My goal was to complete at least 5 series, and I ended up finishing 9! But I also started a bunch of other series so this is what my numbers are looking like:

January 2023
January 2024

It's ridiculous 😂 At this point, this number is never going down because I add more series to my TBR than I can finish 🤦‍♀️😂

What I finished in 2023:

So I did pretty good at finishing the series I wanted! Those two Rachel Vincent series were a long shot tbh. I need to re-read the entirety of both series because it's been YEARS since I first read them, and my mood just did not cooperate. But aside from that, not too bad.

What I want to finish in 2024:

I'm bringing over these three series from last year because I still do want to finish them. I actually have One of Us is Back from the library right now so hopefully I'll get to that one soon.

And here are some more series I'm hoping to finish this year. Like I said, my goal this year is to finish at least 9 series, and here I only have 7, so that gives me a little room to pick up some other random series throughout the year. Maybe some Fear Street? I still have two more Fear Street series I need to get through, so 👀

Let me know if you've read any of these series or if there are any series you're hoping to finish this year!


  1. From the ones mentioned above, I've only read AGGGTM and that was a major disappointment as you already know 😂 other than that, I also finished The Prison Healer and Navigating The Stars trilogies. My plan is to finish the Inheritance Games series next year, along with Skyward and The False Prince 😄

    1. Omg As Good As Dead was not it 😬 And the more I talk to people about it the more I realize I'm not alone in these thoughts. Lol. Ooh I'm hoping to get to The Inheritance Games this year too! I have a friend who is absolutely in love with the series and wont shut up about it, so I obviously need to read it. Lol. Some of those other series sound interesting so I may have to go check them out. Here I go adding more books to my never-ending tbr 🙃😂
