
Monday, May 20, 2024

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? #368: First DNF of the Year

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Book Date and Unleashing Reads.


This book was SO boring. The amount of exposition dumps that went into tangents irrelevant to the plot almost put me to sleep. I read 76 pages before I called it quits.

What I read:

This was another okay Fear Street book. The mystery was fine, the characters were okay, but I loved the kills 😆 I live for the creepy descriptions in these books. Lol.

Currently reading:

I'm almost done with this one and I am really enjoying it! It's pretty horrifying and I am really liking all the science.

Up next:

I'm giving this author a second chance... mostly because I had already bought this book 😅

What are you reading this week?


  1. Parasite sounds so creepy 😮😮 I don't think I could read it, I really, and I mean really, dislike bugs in all shape or form 😂😂 on the other hand Salvation Day looks like something up my alley - a thriller set on an abandoned spaceship. I might give it a try!

    1. Oh yeah, no. You probably would not like Parasite then 😆 Lol. Salvation Day does sound good! I'm hoping it is! I did not have good look with a different book by this author, but we will see. I have yet to start it.
