
Friday, June 28, 2024

2024 Mid-Year Check In: Reading Challenges

It's that time of year to check in on my progress in the million reading challenges I decided to participate in this year 😅 Ideally I'd like to be at 50% with all of these challenges, and I don't think I'm doing too bad, but I feel like there are some that I'm really gonna need to work on

2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Liliana has read 2 books toward her goal of 52 books.

The challenge: Read 52 books in 2024.

Progress: 37/52 (71%). I'm doing great on this one! At the beginning of the year, I purposefully set this number lower than I usually would, and honestly, I love it. It's so stress-free! I just wanted to see how many books I can read in a year without rushing in December to catch up to this goal. Lol. And actually, at this time last year, I had read 35 books, so I've read two more books so far this year! (And at 35 books last year I was still severely behind and it was driving me crazy. Lol.)

52 books in 52 weeks Reading Challenge

The challenge: Read 52 books in 52 weeks.

Progress: 26/52 (50%). I haven't missed a week yet! Yay!

A to Z and Back Again

The challenge: Read a book with a character whose name starts with each letter of the alphabet (twice).

Progress: 31/52 (60%). I'm doing SO good on this one! But when I get down to those handfuls of difficult letters, that's when I'm gonna struggle. Lol.

The challenge: To read one book that has a title starting with every letter of the alphabet.

Progress: 19/26 (73%). Another one I'm crushing! But again, I'm down to those Qs and Xs, so it's getting hard!

The challenge: To read one book that has an author whose first name, middle, or last name starts with every letter of the alphabet.

Progress: 14/26 (54%) Ditto with this one. And apparently, I'm having a harder time with author names 😬

The challenge: Read 30 books from my TBR.

Progress: 17/30 (56%). I'm actually surpised at how well I'm doing with this one. I tend to get distracted by all the pretty new books. Lol.

The challenge: Read 5 books about books.

Progress: 2/5 (40%). The first one I'm not doing great at, but I feel like the books about books that I have are pretty short reads, so this should be a challenge I can complete quickly.

The challenge: Read 36 books owned before January 1, 2024.

Progress: 13/36 (36%). Honestly, I'm not even surprised. Lol. I've been using my library a lot lately. I really need to focus on those books I own though.

The challenge: Read 10 Netgalley/Edelweiss books.

Progress: 1/10 (10%). Yikes. In my defense, I haven't gotten many ARCs from these places this year. The one I did get I read though. That being said, I do have more than a handful of backlog ARCs that I never got around to and should really be reading but haven't 😅 I should probably focus on those as well. Lol.

The challenge: Read a book fitting the prompt for every month of the year.

Progress: 4/12 (33%). I am shockingly behind on this one. Last year I flew through this challenge, but this year the prompts are a little bit more difficult for me and my annoying mood reading. Lol.

The challenge: Read 9 series enders.

Progress: 4/9 (44%). Not bad, but also not great. Lol. Finishing series is always a struggle for me. I'm getting there though!

Reading Challenge Addict

The challenge: Enter and complete 6-10 reading challenges.

Progress: 0/6-10 (0%). This one is fine. I'd honestly be shocked if I had completed a challenge at this point in the year. I'll start worrying about this one in December 😂

The challenge: Write 41+ discussion posts

Progress: 25/41 (61%). I love a discussion post, so this one is not surprising to me 😆

I'm on track on 7/13 (53%) total challenges, and honestly, that is better than I was anticipating! Lol

Let me know how you're doing in your reading challenges!


  1. WOW you are doing a lot of challenges for 2024. Good luck!

  2. since you're doing so many challenges, keeping track of them + actually finishing them must be difficult, but you're doing excellent so yay!! 🥰

    1. Thank you! Actually finishing them is definitely the challenge.

  3. You're doing so many challenges, but for the most part doing great at keeping up! Great job!
    Lisa Loves Literature
