
Friday, June 7, 2024

Review: Blood Boy (I Hunt Killers #0.5) by Barry Lyga

Title: Blood Boy

Series: I Hunt Killers #0.5

Other novellas/books in this series: Down Time (#0.1) | Lucky Day (#0.2) | Career Day (#0.3) | Neutral Mask (#0.4) | I Hunt Killers (#1)

Author: Barry Lyga

Genre: YA, mystery thriller

Publication date: August 2014

Published by: Barry Lyga

Source: Purchased ebook

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Synopsis: Fan-favorite character Howie Gersten — Jazz Dent’s hemophiliac best friend from the I HUNT KILLERS series — finally gets a story all his own! Set one year before the events of the series, “Blood Boy” takes you inside Howie’s hilariously twisted mind for one night only. Enjoy Halloween as only Howie can, learn more about his relationship with Jazz and Connie... and discover exactly what it is he’s keeping a secret from both of them.

My rating: ★★★★☆

I love the I Hunt Killers series! It is such an interesting series with a complicated main character. Going into this novella I actually had no idea that it was going to be in the POV of Howie, Jazz’s best friend! So as soon as I started reading, the title of the book made a lot of sense!

Howie has hemophilia, which means that his blood does not clot properly. Someone bumps into him, and he bruises. He gets the slightest of papercuts, he basically becomes Bella in New Moon...

Literally no one bleeds that much from a papercut, Bella! Unless you’re Howie. Lol. Anyway, he’s going to a Halloween party and we get to see firsthand his struggles with this disease. It sucks and sometimes he doesn’t take it as seriously as he should, but I get it. He wants to have fun, and that’s fair. And I’m not gonna lie, him making light of his condition, just messing around, did make me laugh.

I really enjoyed this novella! I love his relationship with Jazz and how supportive he is of his friend, no matter who his dad is, so I was very happy he got his own little novella. I’m not gonna lie though, I could’ve done without all the horniness on his part. That is my least favorite thing about the series. Like, tone it down a bit, dude! Lol. But aside from that, I really liked this!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! 😊


  1. I've enjoyed other books by this author, I need to read this series too. Thanks for sharing this one! Loved the bit about Bella bleeding that much from a paper cut, lol.
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. I have not read anything besides this series from this author! I'm gonna have to check out his other books!

      You'd think Bella has hemophilia too lol
