
Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Finish the Series #33: I'm Counting This

Look at me on a roll this month! Lol. Although I was a little iffy about marking this one as finished... but I'm gonna do it. It's my challenge and I make the rules 😆

What I finished:

I finished volume 3 of Five Ghosts last week and I enjoyed it! It wasn't amazing, but it was certainly entertaining, and I really liked the magic and the mythos. There are only three volumes of this series out so far, but the end of this volume makes it clear that this is not the end. However, this volume was published almost 10 years ago, so I am marking this series as done (for now at least lol) because I don't know if we will ever get an actual conclusion.

Up next:

I have no clue. My mood is doing weird things right now, so I'm just going with the flow. Lol. I would like to get back to full-length novels, but idk when that might happen 😭

Series finished so far in 2024: 6/9

Let me know if you've read any of these series or if there is a series you are working on finishing right now 😊

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