
Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Review: 2389 by Iain Rob Wright

Title: 2389

Author: Iain Rob Wright

Genre: Adult, horror, sci-fi

Publication date: March 2015

Published by: SalGad Publishing Group

Source: Gift card purchase

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Synopsis: Grand Galaxies is the most expensive amusement park ever created, built on the surface of the moon. For a decade now, rich families and honeymooning couples have gone there to have the time of their lives, and no one has ever returned disappointed. But communication with the moon has been lost. Someone needs to go up there and see what’s wrong.

Commander ‘Boss’ Sharman is the man for the job, SABA’s most respected leader, but he might end up regretting his decision to bring along his daughter, Lexi, for the mission. Something has gone very wrong at Grand Galaxies, and once Boss and his team travel the 238,900 miles to the moon, they might find that there’s no way of getting back home again.


My rating: ★★★★☆

This book was so good! The thing that caught my attention about this one from the start was the setting. It’s set in this amusement park on the freaking moon!

It was so cool exploring this place because it was this sort of amusement park/water park/casino/hotel/all-the-things combo. I just really loved that! Unfortunately, communication with this place has been lost, which is weird because how do you lose communication with such a large structure inhabited by so many guests??

That’s where Lexi and the rest of the crew (that includes her father, the commander) come in, to investigate what the heck is going on. But as soon as they land things are... odd. The airport-type station they landed in on the moon, it was quiet and completely desolate. Not a soul in sight.

It was so interesting exploring this place and following these characters as they tried to figure out what happened to everyone. And let me tell you, the thing that happened to everyone... it was wild! I was actually hoping that this would be the thing that happened, and it was!! I know I’m being vague, but spoilers! There are times when I include spoilers in reviews and just hide them behind tags, but I don’t want to do that for this one because it was just so much fun and if you guys like space horror, you should definitely give it a shot. Plus, this was a super short read! I think it’s technically a novella, at only about 158 pages.

But I really enjoyed this! I liked the mystery and the unraveling of it, plus it was action-packed and tense! The ending made me kinda sad, it was messed up but I saw it coming. But then what happened after made me happy. Lol. It was bleak, but bleak sometimes works. This was overall a really solid sci-fi horror.

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! 😊


  1. The premise sounds so intriguing, like an episode of Twilight Zone 😍 I will definitely check it out!

    1. I hope you enjoy it! I definitely had fun with it!

  2. So yeah, I now want to go to an amusement park on the moon, lol. Sounds like a great story!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Doesn't that sound fun? Lol. Yes, this was a good one!
