
Sunday, March 2, 2025

Sunday Post #443: Blind Date With a Book

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week!

What I've been doing:

Guys, it was a week. Was it a good week? Of course not, but it was a week. Lol. Early on in the week, I visited a couple of different libraries so that was fun. I also trained with a nurse at a new patient's house, and I'll be starting work there tomorrow for the foreseeable future. I'm an anxious person who doesn't like change, so I'm a bit apprehensive. But I'm confident I know what I'm doing. It's pretty straightforward. But I'm honestly starting to think I have impostor syndrome. Lol. As for my regular patient, I haven't heard anything else. I was going to call my supervisor on Friday to see what was going on there, but I ended up dealing with a little bit of a family emergency instead 🫠 I might call tomorrow and see if we know anything new though.

As for the family emergency, my brother has been dealing with a cyst in his neck that he's been getting bigger and more painful. This has been going on since JANUARY. Well, my brother, obviously tired of it all, finally went to the ER Thursday night where they FINALLY drained the cyst. My mom and I went over to see him the next day on Friday. Here's the thing though, he's away at university so he's nowhere near us, so I drove us 3.5 hours there and then 3.5 hours back. It was A LOT. Anyway, he's doing okay now. They gave him a ton of IV antibiotics and now he's on oral antibiotics now as well. He still has the drain in which they will be removing tomorrow. But the swelling has gone significantly down! I was making fun of him because his one cheek made him look like a chipmunk. Lol. But this morning he is looking a lot better.

Anyway, I'm still stressed and honestly, my new oral birth control is giving me depression I'm pretty sure 🫠 It's been so fun here. I love it 🙃 So blogging and reading is still not where I would like it to be. But we are playing it by ear and seeing what each week brings. It's typically never good things, but hey, one of these days it might be 😆

What I've been watching:


Still rewatching Criminal Minds 🥰 I'm also on season 5 of House. Still don't love the characters but the cases and general chaos is good, I'm not gonna lie 😆 And I was planning on rewatching Bones after I finished House because I've only watched that show once YEARS ago and I've been feeling the itch to rewatch it. But since I still have like 4 seasons left of House I decided to just start it now 😆 I only watched like 2 episodes last night but I am SO excited to be watching it again!

What I've been listening to:

"This is "Boom", a song I wrote with Joanna about people that hold in anger for a long time, and then let it out, almost like they are ticking time bombs." -Unlike Pluto

What I've been playing:

And now onto the only thing that has been keeping me sane this week, Sims! I mostly played my Legacy save file, though I did play a bit of the Rewards Event in my other save but I didn't finish it because I don't want to say goodbye to Emit just yet. Lol. Anyway, the three siblings have been running their bakery for some time now and it was pretty fun. The retail mechanics could be better, but I did like playing it since I haven't done that before even though I have owned the Get to Work pack for quite some time. Lol.

Above, in the first pick, you'll see that one of the customers showed up basically naked in the middle of a blizzard 😭 I can't with these Sims. Lol. One of my goals for Cassie, the doctor and one of the twins, was that she had to marry someone she met at the bakery, and this naked guy is the one she hit it off with 😂 So much so that HE proposed to HER right after their first date 😂


I, of course, went into CAS immediately to see what this guy's deal was. WELL, it turns out that this outfit in the second pic above, that's his COLD weather outfit 😭 Literally no shirt and no shoes 😭🤣 The autogenerated outfits in this game are WILD. Lol. I, of course, gave him a makeover, because what the hell 😂


And then here we have the brother spending some quality time with his alien girlfriend. Lol. She IS an alien, she's just in disguise 🤫 Lol. Oh, and we had another family member die so we went to the cemetery real quick for that. Lol. It wasn't anyone super important, it was one of their uncles, so it's fine 😆

Oh, and the other sister, Claire (the detective) got abducted by aliens. Luckily, female sims cannot be impregnated when they're abducted. Phew! Lol.

And she also didn't like it. Lol.

AND then after they all maxed out their careers and finished all the goals I had set for them, I finally got them all married to their respective partners and finally split the household so they could all go live their lives.

I also used For Rent to finally split the townhouses they were living in into three units because now I'm only going to be focusing on the brother Christopher and his alien wife. Lol.

Christopher is the Scientist by the way. Here he is in Sixam, the alien planet, at what looks like an alien party during one of his work days? Lol.

Oh! And he and his wife had twins! 😭 Sometimes I try to get my Sims to have twins on purpose, but this time I was only hoping for one 😭 No such luck. Lol. Anyway, they're purple because their mom is an alien who is purple, she just always wears her human disguise. Lol.

They are SO cute though! In the second screenshot above, they are outside playing on the slides while their dad is in the back working on that giant microscope 😂

On the Blog

Posted this week:

#408: A Little Bit of Horror, Perhaps?
February 2025

Book Haul

Library Loot:

So these are the two books I got from the library this week! I have been REALLY wanting to read Five Broken Blades! It's a high fantasy and it sounds SO good! I also picked up a blind date with a book!


The good news was that The Deep Sky was already on my TBR...

The bad news was that I already had this book, ALSO from the library! 🤣

I could not stop laughing when I unwrapped this book 😂

How was your guy's week? Get any bookish things? Let me know in the comments below or leave me a link to your post!

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